I've had quite a few LDs over the years, some of which came out of nightmares... Some of them are simple, but I was young back then, and as uncreative to the core as I am today. Here's a few stories about those LDs...

As a kid, I had this one dream where a power cord's wire was exposed and frayed, and caught on fire. Somehow, I just snapped out of it, deciding that it just couldn't be happening, and reached over to try and put it out with my fingers. I was unsuccessful since I wasn't sure I could do it, but I didn't feel what I expected to feel... From there, I just woke up.

Another dream I had when I was young involved a recurring nightmare. (this one's going to be long to explain, so if you don't want to hear, skip it.) You see, I live in an area with a wide open space, surrounded by forest. In these dreams I had, I'd always notice SOMETHING dark and vaguely shaped all the way over by the trees, which would set me into a state of fear for whatever reason. It would always happen to be a bear, and it would always get to me very quickly, and while I usually wake up in mid-attack, I can only assume I was killed every time.
Deja vu was getting apparent though, and I went from being frozen in fear to trying to get away. Then one day I had the dream again. I was exploring the area around my place (which always changes every time I have a dream), and slid down into a sort of dead end, with the only open area being beyond the fence... I guess you see a sort of theme here with the wide open space thing. Anyway, I did see whatever it was in the distance, but instead of being afraid, I guess something kicked in and I knew it was the dream. I just said "Oh, not again..." and this time it ended a bit differently. Weird, I should say, but I somehow turned another bear dream, into a unicorn dream. I never had the nightmare or my open space fear ever again, and kicked its ass just from simple awareness and attempting to control it.

It seems recurring dreams are some of the easiest to start lucid dreaming in. Last year I had a couple of rehashed dreams from 5 or 6 years before, the only difference between them being my height. It was the exact same dream, except once I recognized it was a dream, I was able to go other places in the dream and watch things that had only happened in the background before, and see things that my eye only just caught for a moment in the past. I didn't have much other control over them, but I was able to see the things my mind had made up all those years ago.

I'm fairly good at taking control of myself during LDs, since it takes very little for me to realize something is a dream. I can't explain it, but it's like an automatic reality check... I space out for brief moments in real life when I experience something amazing to me... In dreams, I get the same sensation, but all of a sudden I'm in full control. I've had plenty of dreams I was able to take control of and deviate from, but that usually ended the dreams prematurely. I'm not all that good at staying in my dreams.

Speaking of which, I remember several of my childhood dreams, where I'd realize I was dreaming, and suddenly the world would dissolve or fade, sometimes blur... I usually tried to escape it. Sometimes I think my own imagination brought these "effects" into existence just by my own depiction of what waking up from a dream is like. The results of these dreams?

1. Tried to run away from an approaching blur as soon as I saw it coming, but the room I was in was pretty small. I managed to will the blurring to reverse for a while, but I think panic kept me from staying in control.

2. Being carted around in a gigantic supermarket (Remember, I'm a little kid back then), and I just realize something that big just doesn't exist, and sure enough, it started fading to black around me. Trying to will it to go back worked out like 1 did, on a larger scale, but my control was limited because panic cut me off again. If anyone wants to know how that dream ended, I climbed out of the shopping cart and fell into the blackness for a good 3 seconds before waking up, classic "falling" dream where you wake up "slamming into" the bed

3. Again, as a kid, I once became aware of a dream when I recognized how... perfect.. everything was. My family wasn't arguing, and to top it off, I had a prety cool looking hockey game to put together (it was the type similar to foosball, with the individually movable players, except this one came with some extra eye candy. This part of the dream predicted the future, actually...) And as I became aware of it, I just felt like I was going to wake up soon, like it was actually around the time I would just wake up, and I actually got kind of attached to my dream family... I was a putz back then. So I was saying my goodbyes, and that I'd try to see them again. They thought I was crazy, of course... But if you've ever saw the crazy people in a [banned term] show, you know they're always the ones who're right. Stuff faded to white like a cheap movie scene and I woke up in the morning.

So what do you guys think? If some of these weren't LDs, let me know... My dreams constantly confuse me with things that always seem like I will my own way, these are just some of the ones I'm more confident in, and remember more about, spanning probably 7 or 8 years.