The other night, I woke up because of a dripping faucet. I turned it off, but couldn't go back to bed, despite my tiredness. So I decided to try and WILD. At first I just got myself all relaxed and stuff, but nothing. And then I decided to see the words: "I WILL FALL ASLEEP" in my head. I then decided to say it aloud.

"I will fall asleep" I whisper, seeing the words in my head.
I get an idea, and I say:
"I will Lucid Dream" while seeing the words mentally.

And then when that doesn't work, I focus hard on seeing and saying the words: "I will Lucid Dream right now", and then suddenly my body just feels this huge tingling through my body, that makes some of my muscles twitch and feel tense. I get sort of exicited because I think that I'm doing it, and I decide to stop the rising feeling to catch my breath. The feeling fades away, and I'm just angry. I try doing the same thing over and over, but nothing happens like that, unless I force my body to get that feeling- but it doesn't seem as natural and long-lasting as the one triggered by what I think was my subconcious.
And so I move around in my bed, I'm not in some meditative state or anything, and I close my eyes and force myself to see a dream in my mind's eye. I'm just tired enough that I actually do make dreams in my head, but they're all in third person, like a movie.

In one of them I decide to use some symbolism and make a figure representing my conscious self lay down and let another figure representing my subconscious self lead a whole line of people down some wooden stairs. Down the stairs was a pedestal containing a floating glowing crystal that my sc tells the line of people is the "essence of lucid dreaming", remember, I'm making this all happen consciously (I think). One boy from the line of people runs out and grabs the crystal when my subconcious is out of sight, going down another flight of stairs. THe boy is caught by my sc, and is scolded. I then realize that this dream is taking off on its own, but then everything shuts down, and I'm just me in my bed again.

Dreams like this occur again and again, I forge an image in my head, and just as I'm about to let it go off on its own... it vanishes. Sometimes a dream starts on its own, and I realize: "Hey! A dream! Let's make it lucid!" but then it vanishes too.
I wouldn't call the dreams I force on myself WILDs, because I really didn't think about whether this was a dream or not. If I realize that it was a dream, I knew that it would disappear. I would probably call them just WIDs, simply Wake Induced Dreams. This is the first thing that I find weird about my experience, the second thing would be how saying those words triggered a promising feeling, but then it seemed like my sc was scolding me for trying to LD in later dreams, especially symbolized in that one "WID"