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    Thread: Haha... Fun Ld

    1. #1
      Eprac Diem arby's Avatar
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      May 2006
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      Well, heres where it started: I was in this crazily large building standing at the entrance. There was a low wall and a net to my left making a small corridor that went against the wall to my right. Up ahead there was a break in the net with a DC standing beside it. I walked up to him and asked what the building was. He replied that it was the longest and hardest challenge track in the world. Thats when I really took a good look at the other side of the net. It was like a huge ass jungle jym exept evidently harder. He then told me that if I wished to try it that it would be at my own risk.

      So, I climbed up the low wall to the first obsticle. they were about 4 pillars each about 2 metres wide. To procede I had to get to the top of the one that was farthest away. Here was the kicker: they were 100 metres tall =D

      now most of you are probably wondering why I wouldnt simply fly up there. I answer you here.

      So, some pillars had hand-holds that you could climb with, some had protruding little wooden ledges that you could stand on then jump to the next pillar. (yknow, all my good dreams tend to have elements from prince of persia all over) The best part was about halfway up (thats 50 metres above a concrete floor). I was on a ledge on one side of a pillar. Where I needed to go was the next pillar over to the side oppisite me. To do that I would have to swing my body around the pillar using some fancy hand manuvres, stop myself on the other side and plant my feet on the pillar then push off hard to leap to the next pillar.

      I failed the first few tries XD. I had to rewind time and try again. But I eventually got it and continued climbing without too much hassle. After I got to the top the dream get kind of fuzzy. I know that it lasted like the whole night and that most of it was vivid when I was experiencing it but I can't recall most of it for the life of me XD. I know there was this massive ball pit where the balls kept on jumping on me and pushing me down. So I ended up walking along the bottem =D I also vaugely remember some wall-jumping and something to do with some complex array of ropes. The thing ended up being that once you did a challenge you would have about 3 differnt paths you could follow. It was a freaking maze!

      Now, heres the thing found really interesting and what i'm a lil confused about. I'm not sure if it was actually a "LD". I never consiously realized I was dreaming. Yet, I had full control and acted with logic and was able to think as if it were an LD. Like, whenever I messed up I was like "shit, time to rewind." and whenever I came upon a hard puzzle I would sit down and think about how to solve it. If I wanted to, I would change the puzzle around to make it solveable or simply create a hole in the wall/floor and go to some other one. I had full control and could do whatever I wanted. I realized at least subconsiously that i had no boundries.

      So, what would you call this? a normal dream with full control? Or do you think it would classify as a LD?

      Either way I dont think i matters. I enjoyed it. Thats all that really counts, right?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2006
      Arby that's a Kick Ass Dream. You really did capture a lot of detail within the dream. Cool Recall It sounds like a normal dream but a very cool as normal dream. Just remember Lucidity is when you are fully aware to the point where you actually acknowledge the fact that you are dreaming. Now you could probably categorize it as a semi-lucid dream which I've had plenty of myself. Not fully aware but being in the dream and not being fully guided by your subconscious. Either way it was a cool dream. Were you exhausted or feel tired at all when you awaken?

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Oct 2006
      1. By definition it's not an LD unless you're conscious of it being a dream. But I don't think anyone around here really gives a crap about knowing it's a dream, we just want a realistic world inside our mind that we can control without consequences for various reasons (personally for me it's a bit of an escape from the real world), we just try to attain consciousness because generally it's a prerequesite for to experience that world and also for realism. But you managed to skip a step, good on ya! Although you might wanna keep trying to have an LD as that experience is probably unlikely to happen again.

      2. Prince of Persia rules. Did you have to fight any sand people and did you actually have the dagger of time or did you just reverse time by yourself?

      3. Manipulation of time is considered to be a freaking solid achievement in an LD, nice one!
      Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein

    4. #4
      Eprac Diem arby's Avatar
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      May 2006
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      Well, not really tired. My head head was sort of buzzing as it always is when I wake up from a very vivid dream. Lucid or other. So, it felt like it was a LD without me actually thinking "i'm dreaming". I've had alot of those recently. I'll see how they end up turning out. If it starts to go downhill I'll have to start picking up my socks and become lucid again =P

      No, no sand people in my dreams. That was the part of PoP that I didn&#39;t like as much. I <3 the puzzles.

      Yes, rewind time by myself. Its not harder then doing anything else in a dream. In fact, in actuality nothing is harder then the next in a lucid dream (unless it is hard to comprehend/visualize). All it takes is you to believe that you can do it. Thats what anything in a LD takes. Its just some things are harder to believe in then others.


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