• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2006
      I've been lucid dreaming to one degree or another for years... realizing that I'm in the middle of a dream and taking it to fun places, realizing that I shouldn't be able to fly, but keep flying anyway. Yesterday morning I had the most intense experience and I'm pretty sure it was my first WILD.

      I "woke up" at about 5:30am and realilized I'd been LD'ing my last dream - I don't think I was fully awake in retrospect. So I decided to keep going with it.

      I formed this pattern in my mind which was like a grid. I then went deeper and formed a dream - decided I wanted to go to the beach. So I started the dream by flying to the beach, swimming, getting out of the water and walking around the sand. I had a very interesting encounter with a guy and ended up seducing him. I even remember the cottage we went in and very detailed information about opening the door, the room not being what I had planned but having a very real-seeming experience, knowing that I was dreaming the entire time.

      I then came back out to the state I was in at 5:30 and did this another 3 times or so - all different dreams that I "dreamed up". I am so thrilled to have this ability and to have found a website to share and read about others' experiences!

      I was hypnotized about 10 years ago to quit smoking (it worked) and I feel similar feelings of subconscious awareness between hypnosis and LD. Thanks all.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      I wonder if when you 'woke up' at 5:30 that wasn't a false awakening...then you would have WILD'd from inside your dream, so not a real WILD...

      Either way, congrats!

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Dec 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by ModestMouse View Post
      I wonder if when you 'woke up' at 5:30 that wasn't a false awakening...then you would have WILD'd from inside your dream, so not a real WILD...

      Either way, congrats!
      Thanks, and good point... I know I was awake for a few seconds - I'm sure about this because at 5:30 I turned off the alarm clock and remember doing so (no reason to get up so early on 12/26 - can sleep in). But may not have been fully awake - I am still learning the subtleties of various forms of sleeping vs awake. I do know that it is the first time I initiated an LD instead of just realizing it while I was in it.


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