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    Thread: My First

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      OK so I've been trying to LD for 3 weeks and I finally got my first one. I went to bed at around 2:30ish, set my alarm for 8:30ish. I had normal yet vivid dreams before my alarm woke me up, and I had a normal dream after my alarm. When I went back to sleep after my alarm woke me up, I dreamt:

      I was a cashier at a store. I was nervous because it was my first day, and I had no training. While I was scanning items, they showed up on the display. I remember it was a challenge to find the UPC code to scan, and the customers got mad. One time, I scanned an envelope, and it registered that I had scanned 26 envelopes. I wondered why, but the kid next to me said that it was normal, so I thought nothing of it.

      After this dream ended, I woke up normally at around 11:50. This is pretty late for me to get up, but I was still tired and decided to put my head down.

      I fell asleep apparently, and was back in that previous dream. Only this time all the customers were flocking to this one area. I went to go see why, and saw that everyone was jumping out of the building. I looked down, and saw that the building was flying over a tropical lake or sometihng. I jumped out and did a frontflip, but overrotated a tad and smacked my front to some extent. When I was in the water, I remembered my previous dream about the cashier. I remembered how the display on the cash register was screwed up ( showed 26 items instead of one) and wondered if I was dreaming. I did the nose pinch, and sure enough, I WAS DREAMING! It was weird because I could smell blood when I pinched my nose, leading me to believe I smacked it on the water when I fell. I looked around and saw the tropical scenery. It was so cool. After about 10 seconds of me just looking around and getting excited, the lucid dream started to fade. I remember opening my left eye in the real world, so I could see half of the real world and half of the dream world. I could see my sheets in the lower left corner and the tropical dream scenery fading away in the upper corner (I dont know if this is happened to anyone else, but that is the best I can describe it). I started to rub my hands furiously and shouted "Clarity!" but the dream faded away and I woke up for real.

      My afterthoughts are that the dreamsign wasnt even in the dream I was in. I remembered my previous dream and how that couldnt have happened in real life. I credit the short dream to me already being somewhat awake, because after this lucid dream my real clock read 12:20, so it was only a half hour or less, and I never sleep past noon anyway. I am ridiculously happy I finally had one. My efforts paid off. I cant wait to have a lengthy lucid dream with control.
      "I said goodbye to the ground"

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      I wish I knew..
      <div align="left">Congrats on your first LD&#33; :yumdumdoodledum:

      May you have many more&#33; If you need any help, you could try PMing me, I&#39;ll do my best to help you&#33; </div>
      LD count:15
      DILD: 8 + (1 lucid without control and 3 with lousy recall)
      FILD: 1
      DEILD: 1
      Incubated lucid dreams: 1


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