Well, for the past 2 weeks I've been getting long and vivid non-lucid dreams (like 3 a nite sometimes) but last nite I had my first OFFICIALLY lucid dream and iunno how the **** I got into it! So after I woke up briefly for like 2 seconds after a pretty vivid non lucid dream, I tried to get back into it. So soon after I could hear screaming thru the hypnagogic imagary and surprisingly ramaining freakishly calm even tho it lasted for like 3 seconds and went quiet. for about 5 seconds of silence, formation of a face (female I think) emerged breifly before I emerged into my room standing (which was the lucid part). It wasn't exactly the most clearest of dreams, pretty foggy, but I tried to clear it up the best I could but no success. I was even blind in my left eye. So I was lookin around my room (trying to create a door and spin) and woke up soon after cuz i was tired in the dream and when i closed my eyes i woke up.

So I at least I know the feelings of the lucid dream and how to get into it. btw before my lucid one, i had 2 other normal dreams before and another after it.

So I gotta a question, what induction technique did I use? WILD and/or WBTB?