A few nights ago I had my first lucid dream. I was walking on this road that went out for like 50 feet then there was a blind turn to the left. Anyways, I'm just walking on the left side and the idea pops into my head that I was dreaming, totally out of the blue. I decided to do what I usually do if I get to the point that I think I'm dreaming, which is making something appear. So the first thing that came to my head was a silver Ferrari F-50 with people smoking weed in it. So around rolls this hotboxed Ferrari, going 15-25mph and I could see a few people inside it. Then, everything got fuzzy. It was like i got sucked out of my body, and everything got very blurry. It is hard to explain, but its like that picture of the car going by froze and I started losing lucidity or something. I don't remember feeling overly excited, but once I started losing focus I started panicking because I had no idea what to do, then I just lost everything and the dream ended. Did I do something wrong?