I was running away from people chasing me, and I stopped in my driveway. I looked around, and suddenly thought about a video on kidnapping I saw, and instantly (I didn't know I was dreaming at the time) I said "Remember, be lucid when you see this." And, sure enough, I was aware I was dreaming. The kidnappers were still after me. So I ran out to my field and tried to fly, but I couldn't. All I was doing was jumping really high. I jumped and jumped as a rifle began firing at me. One of the kidnappers was behind me, so I jumped as high as I could, but still didn't fly, but soon I came a distance away from them.

Then, one of the kidnappers stopped and said, "Go to the sky. Fly." I turned around, but they were already gone by my will to escape.

This happened this morning.