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    1. #1
      2D Animator / Concept Art BlightedArt's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      New Zealand

      A strange occurance.

      Hey everyone. I'm new to lucid dreaming. In fact I only just bought a notebook today to begin recalling my dreams. I had two lucid dreams a couple days ago... One of them was my favorite dream ever, but I'm posting to raise an issue on another... 'smaller' LD I had.

      I can't remember too much from it, other than I was outside my old high school, which resides near a lake... The lake in my dream was a different shape to that of in reality, but it was undeniable that it was the one outside my school. Let's just say it's a big enough body of water that nobody could jump across in reality.

      But then again, LD's aren't reality.

      I knew I was in an LD, and remember having the 'favorite' LD beforehand... While that one was lucid and I knew I was in lucidity, it was very reality bound... Meaning I couldn't fly or be the worlds most giant doctor like JD or anything...

      In this LD however, I was able to jump amazing distances over the lake, well... I landed on the other side in about 1ft deep water. Still, if I did it on a bike then E.T. would've been impressed. But something strange happened when I landed... I landed on my feet and then found myself on my knees with my face touching the ground at the bed of the water that was about 3 cm deep now... (I can't remember how I got from a standing to a kneeling/fetal kind of position)... I tried to lift myself back up but couldn't and my face was being smothered by the floor. O_o I wasn't worried, just a little confused. Because I knew this was a dream and expected the oddities to happen.

      Then I tried to 'wriggle' my face loose from the floor, as if it were lodged and had to be jiggled free like an old set of house keys in the older lock of an older house. Imagine how funny that would've looked from a third person perspective! But yeah... The only reason I can think of why that happened was maybe I turned over in my bed in reality and ended up with my face pressing against the pillow or something... I think I woke up shortly after this, but I don't think I woke with my face against the pillow at all... I can't remember.

      Just wondering if anyone could tell me what that was all about, or if that's happened to anyone before. Thanks in advance!!

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      The sensation of you not being able to breathe? Yes that has happened to me before, but I am thinking that it was most likely my fault you were probably thinking since your face was in the water.... is that you said? Yeah your face was being smothered by floor okay. Now the problem that happens with me when I am not lucid is that I think I cannot actually breathe in the dream so I do in fact not breathe like if I am under water, but then when I run out of breath I do breath and I am still underwater usually triggering a LD.

      But yeah anyways you could of rolled onto your pillow causing your breathing to become harder and then rolled off and woke up but then again your SP when you are dreaming and sleeping so.....


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