Many people have told me here that a WILD (wake induced lucid dream-- remaining aware from the waking state all the way into a dream state when you were dreaming before you woke up) is the best type of lucid dream, generally speaking. I have had some WILDs, I guess. I think they might have been quick lucidity in a quick dreaming onset after going back to sleep. It's hard to say. My lucids have almost always been induced by dream signs and noticing that reality does not add up. I have had some like that which were so incredible that I never got too concerned with getting into the WILD technique. I want to see what other people say about the advantages.

I am bringing this up because I recently came across a post where somebody mentioned that the neurotransmitter DMT, also a psychedelic drug derived from certain plants, plays a role in dreaming but that in dreams it exists in combination with other neurotransmitters, some of which put you into a state of being very out of it. It is those neurotransmitters ("sleep drugs") that cause such difficulty in recognizing and often fully appreciating the dream state. I am not a medical doctor, but it sounds like the aminergic neurons, which Malcolm Godwin claims are the neurons responsible for analyzing absurdity and questioning reality, are inhibited by the "sleep drugs". That thought is what made me think again about the WILD technique.

It seems that waking from a dream and snapping out of the sleep state might get the "sleep drugs" out of the system. Then, going back to sleep would allow DMT to do its thing without the major presence of the other neurotransmitters in such great amounts. This is just a guess, but I think it might explain the major advantage of a WILD experience so many people have talked about. I would like to see what other people say about how WILD does in comparison to becoming lucid a while after a dream has started. I am thinking about making it my major technique.