well here's what happened. I wanted to do a WILD and I tried to do it without the WBTB (now know not to do that) first listening to this mp3 music file I downloaded. During listening I got into full body SP and I waited in it for a pretty long amount of time thinking I could go ahead and do it without the WBTB (and boy was I wrong). So I lay there listening and relaxing so after a good amount of time I tried to roll over and do a reality check but I wasnt dreaming. I did three RC's and all proved I was awake and I know that I was too..just being sure. So this time I play the mp3 again and get relaxed and drift off to sleep. (I had a dream and remembered it too) I woke up about 4 hours later with an alarm clock turned it off and began the WBTB.

Now Im pretty awake but still a little drowsy at the same time. So I get the mp3 and put it in my ears and listen and focus on his voice to keep me concious while my body falls asleep. It was crazy how much more flashing lights and vibrations I began to get and how fast they came in doing the WBTB compared to trying without it. So I'm laying there waiting for it to happen. I get to the SP pretty fast and I know a dream should be coming soon. So I'm listening to the guy on the mp3 talk still and I listen for a while (or at least it felt like it). So in my mind I'm like "I WANT TO GET A WILD NOW, I AM ABOUT TO GET IT NOW!!" so I begin counting 1, I am dreaming, 2, I am dreaming and at maybe four it feels like everything changes and it feels "different". So I say to myself "DREAM START NOW" and heres the weird part. Like right after I said that mentally its like I had my eyes closed still but Its like I was looking at myself laying in the bed in my room but the scene was in like a picture frame. Like the outside edge of the scene had a grey lining around it shaped in a square like I was watching myself on tv laying down like in reality. So Im still kind of awake but at the same time I know Im asleep and I think to myself alright Im going to rub my hands together. And I know the feeling when you rub your hands together in a dream (it doesnt feel normal as I usually have an extra finger or Im missing one) and I had that feeling. So Im thinking to myself YESS! I think I just got a WILD and I got really exited.. so excited that everything like sorta flashed and I was back in the real world.

Now I never got to open my real eyes and look around..heck I never even got to get from under the covers but I could feel myself in the dream and when the RC worked I know I was in a lucid dream. The only thing is it lasted maybe 10 seconds of rubbing my hands before I got too excited and woke up.

I was like when I woke up lol. I know the excitement mustve woke me up but is there something I can do to keep from losing the LD like that and any other RC i can do. I like the hands one but what are some other good ones to do with a WILD