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    1. #1
      Member Dream Sailor's Avatar
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      Finally a WILD occurs

      For a little while here I was getting quite frustrated with these darned WILD attempts!

      Until last night that is.

      But my explaination, from what I can remember occuring, is a bit different from what I typically hear discussed here on the forum.

      I will start by saying that I remember a lot of segments from the lucid dream, but I do remember the beginning quite well.

      I woke up at about 5am, got a drink of milk, and came back to try my luck. I started counting backwards from 100. This may sound odd, but for some reason counting backwards actually seems to do something that keeps me more focused on the counting than counting forwards.

      I didn't seem super tired upon getting back in bed, but was somewhat comfortable. I think I restarted the counting just once after getting about halfway through.

      It went like this...

      I do not remember any initial hypnogogic imagery. It felt as if I drifted away into blackness, and lost the counting completely as if falling asleep. It must have been a fast sleeping process taking place.

      Suddenly, it was like bam, I awake consciously into the lucid state just beginning to occur. There is nothing there but my body. It is like I am in a black room but can see my hands. The feeling is strong and overcoming, but I get feelings like I am awakening at the same time being aware I am lucid. I try to rub my hands together to create warmth, but this initially occurs only as a thought...I do not feel them rub nor make them rub. I believe I kept trying to rub my hands, and finally I felt them rubbing. At this point the dream was still loose, nothing was finalizing, everything that I think of remains a thought and does not emerge. Soon after I am able to rub my hands, the dream does set me off somewhere in a scene. I don't remember the chronological order of events, just a bunch of dream fragments after this.

      I remember that for some reason, a bunch of cops were suddenly chasing me and someone else. As I was running over the textured ground and watching its detail, I remember coming up to a crest at a hill top in which I will be seeing a new unknown scene once I run over the top.

      I observed the scene closely as I crested the hill. I wanted to see how quickly the brain can place all of that detail in my view.

      The complexity of the ground was due to ruts that were formed everywhere from clay erosion, so I knew that the mind was going to have to produce an amazing pattern that appears in an instant. So as I crested the hill, I observed that yes, my mind had something just as crazy and natural looking as I had expected it to produce. This is a very similar image to what I saw appear over the hill: http://www.flickr.com/photos/greenriver/41486077/

      Believe it or not, from what I can remember, there was an extremely fast period of time in which I literally saw everything fabricated and emerge as a new scene as I came over the hill. Noticeably different from the waking life, but the final detail was not - it was incredibly lifelike. It worked similar to a computer game loading a large detailed scene come to think about it, only it morphed into the scene instead of just appearing like on a computer game. I think that scenes of lesser extreme detail than this ground I saw would synthesize visually much faster in a dream, and would be impossible to notice in the dreaming state. It was being lucid that allowed me to catch this small effect.

      Anyways after this, I remember all the cops closing in on us, and we were butted up against about a 60 foot drop off which led to water below. I could have did anything I wanted, but I wanted to escape them.

      My method was to use the water for cover. I dove off the ledge, and remember vividly feeling the fall to be much different than when not lucid, in which I would be afraid of this sort of fall. It was like I fell slower, without as much of the "falling feeling" taking place. When I hit the water, I simply started breathing below the water to get away.

      That is the last segment of that part of the dream I remember.

      Then I remember this. My buddy calls me, and I eagerly start telling him about a lucid dream I just had. So a false awakening must have occured right before this. I'm blabbing on and on about the dream, and he hangs up on me without saying anything. I can't figure this out, but the dream goes on.

      Some more things must have happened in between, I do remember confronting two dream characters, but then I somehow end up talking to another friend who was with the buddy who just hung up on me earlier.

      I begin explaining to this other friend now (this amazes me), that I was actually in a dream while I was talking on the phone to him, like sleep walking, and that this is why he probably hung up on me! I said that I probably didn't make much sense when I was talking. So somewhere in between, I must have had another false awakening, making that two false awakenings!

      FAs are the only darn thing that ever gets me out of my lucids. They seem like they happen everytime I have a lucid. Damned mind, when will it ever work with me?

      Oh well, that is the gist of the first WILD I had last night. Going to try another tonight hopefully, and hopefully remember more of the next one.

      Hope the story isn't too boring...

    2. #2
      Member dragonoverlord's Avatar
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      Wow... You know sometimes i get that odd dream where i know that im dreaming but im not lucid.

      Im just huddling in a corner like a crackhead homeless person and muttering to myself "im trying to have a dream"...

      Anyway sounds like your a natural. How long you been lucid dreaming for?

      Wild's are usually really hard for the rest of us.

      let us know how your next wild attempt goes.

      by the way your link is broken.
      Some are born to sweet deleight
      Some are born to endless night

    3. #3
      Morpheus-Reborn HypnoPsychE's Avatar
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      WILD'ing Sure takes a lot a patience..

    4. #4
      Member peppy's Avatar
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      congradulations mate, nice work there.
      There is no real-life, there is only AFK.

    5. #5
      Member Dream Sailor's Avatar
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      Ok now this is getting crazy.

      I just had my second WILD, this time without even counting.

      I got up at 5:00am, took my contacts out, and went back to bed thinking that I wanted to WILD.

      I was so tired that I assumed there was no way I could WILD, as like usual, I would just fall asleep. So as I began counting I quickly ended and fell asleep.


      Again, here I am fully lucid in some dark setting. There is no reality check, I just know I'm lucid because it seems like my brain is still conscious that I just went back to bed.

      I really don't know how this is happening. It's like the thought before bed alone is triggering a WILD, it's not really dream induced because I'm lucid from the get go.

      This time I practiced flying a remote control helicopter. It is so lifelike (I have one). I then flew around quite a bit like superman. I was actually lucid for an incredibly long time in this dream, but of course again was separated from lucidity by a false awakening in which I tell everyone about the incredible lucid I just had.

      The funny thing is like before, I told someone in the dream that "while I was talking to them earlier, I was actually lucid and in a dream". I don't quite understand this myself as to what I mean. It's like I believe that I was somehow sleepwalking while lucid and communicating to the real world, as well as perceiving the real world but I am in the dreaming state.

    6. #6
      ********* little nemo's Avatar
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      Dream Sailor, I just had my first bona fide WILD too! I've had plenty of LDs over the years, just no WILDs.

      I've been stuck at the point where I'm lying in bed and starting to drift off on a thought tangent and then either fall asleep or come back awake. You know; when you feel a wave of heavyness sweeping over you and then you're asleep.

      Just this morning I noticed that it's possible to ride the waves without going under, so I decided to really try to WILD.....
      I lay down this afternoon for a nap but this time put on a set of those big ear mufflers - I use them when I'm running a table saw - and covered my eyes with dark flannel. It took nearly an hour of lying still and not scratching or twitching or moving - surfing those waves of heavyness again and again, and then I clearly experienced the transition to dreaming.
      First it got really, really loud, like a couple of rock groups trying to out-blast each other. Shockingly loud. Then a bunch of concentric, ringed rainbows were coming straight at me and I was dreaming.

      The dream itself only lasted seconds and was something of a dud, but no matter............I know how to get back there again!

      HpynoPsychE, I've been meaning to tell you your Avatar is Killer! I crack up every time I see it.

    7. #7
      USA bro is offline
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      Wow Dreamsailor,

      That's great that you had so much luck with WILD...you've given me some newfound inspiration for this induction method...

      I hope you have many more, and let me know how they go.

      Well done, they really sounded great.
      Brothers & Sisters in Dreams


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