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    1. #1
      Theoretically Impossible Idolfan's Avatar
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      Pathetic LD I had last night

      Okay, I think I kind of binge-dream or something because I go nights without LDs and then have like three in one night and even more non LDs! Don't undertand why but the other night was one of them.

      A new dream formed and strangely enough I had a kind of choice whether to be lucid or not. I chose to but my first thought was "oh, I just can't be bothered". My dream stupidity never ceases to amaze me! I was outside the sports hall on the grounds of my school, and I decided to try this grounding technique first, to heighten dream sensuality. For some odd reason I beleived that the concrete floor was real but everything else like the sky and school were a dream. So I was observing everything else around me and taking it in, and it sort of worked, everything seemed more vivid. Smell was impossible to test as really nothing around me would have had an odour anyway. I resorted to, err... smelling a dream character and finding it still didn't work!

      Finally I came to a kids playground and there was a small ridge in front of me. I wondered if I could run up to the top to jump off and fly, but I didn't feel confident enough and there were better things I could do. Just when I told myself I was secure enough and it was time to really do something productive, my little brother ran up to me hyperactive screaming for attention and I was like, "Oh GOD! He'll ruin everything!"... and alas he did- I woke up. It's happened four times, this re-occuring experience about my brother. Does this mean I must pay more attention to him in reality? Well fat chance I'm at my grandmas for a whole week; my mind picked a decent time to make that clear!

      I know I've done two posts in a row but I seem to want to write essays so I decided it would be better than one massive post that nobody would read. Any comments at all are welcome, but my biggest problem is not being lucid enough! What was I thinking, "The grounds real but the rest is not"...?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2006
      Well, all I can say is I've had equally stupid moments in dreams. Just keep trying, and eventually you will gain more control. It is a slow process. Try to think a lot about what you want to do during the day. Having a goal makes it easier to be productive and not waste the dream.

      There seems to be no end to the ways our minds can try to confuse us and keep us from becoming completely lucid.

    3. #3
      Member mylucidworld's Avatar
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      Okay thats confusing. Sometimes i think i am fully lucid but when i wake up i realise there's things i wouldn't have thought or done if i was. I agree with Moonbeam that it helps alot to have a goal because if you remind yourself enough it will come to your mind right away after becoming lucid most of the times depending on your level of lucidity.(from my experiences)

      For example before i thought flying was overated but i came to really like it so i kept telling myself i was going to fly in my next lucid and it took about 5 lucids but now nearly every time i am lucid i always remember to fly and also something else i like to do when lucid. What i do is everytime i do my "flash of alertness" method the first thing i do is think about what i want to do so in time it will pass over to my lucid dreams.

      Btw i had a lucid in school last night aswell.

    4. #4
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      My first real lucid dream that lasted longer than five seconds some DC was giving a presentation on the evils of red colors in carpets. (I don't know). Because it was vivid,and very life like, I got tricked into watching it. I remember the presentation (so stupid) but soon I became non-lucid. I regained my lucidity later on in the dream but it was nowhere near as vivid as before.


      Fascinating... After regaining my lucidity I was in my school as well. I used the time to battle the Vice Principal of the school. I managed to levitate a bit which was cool. I failed to pull the earth from under him though... Next time.
      Starting afresh June 15 2010:
      Since then:

      1 DILD

    5. #5
      Theoretically Impossible Idolfan's Avatar
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      Last night I had two more LDs but I couldn't remember them just after I had got up! I've literally just remembered these:

      1) I was in my street and when I did an RC and realised I was lucid; this time all I wanted to do was fly! I tried twice and failed nut I resorted to "swimming" through the air as if I was in water. Eventually I could fly easily, and I remember flying really low through some woods near our house. The improvement is I REALLY enjoyed this flight! It was very vivid and I could feel the wind against my face and everything! And to think I almost forgot it!

      2) Forgotten most of this one. I exited and re-entered this same dream three times though. This was just as vivid as the last and I was in an old cathedral by a large forest to one side and a line of WW1 trenches to the other. Other than that I've forgotten ALL the events except I met a DC who seemed to want to be a guide to me; and I've forgotten any conversation too.

      I don't often have so many LDs two nights in a row, I just wish I could remember them. I've also tried, "Increase lucidity now", but although I felt something the dream started to fade and I got vibrations. I hope there is a better way I could do that...

    6. #6
      Join Date
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      Good job! See, you are improving already!

    7. #7
      Moon watcher wisp's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Well, all I can say is I've had equally stupid moments in dreams. Just keep trying, and eventually you will gain more control. It is a slow process. Try to think a lot about what you want to do during the day. Having a goal makes it easier to be productive and not waste the dream.

      There seems to be no end to the ways our minds can try to confuse us and keep us from becoming completely lucid.
      Moonbeam kinda said all i wanted to say.

      I'll add this: Don't feel stupid. Even the pros can get deceived.
      Just try to clear your mind, try not to get distracted, and if you happen to wake up, DO A REALITY CHECK! Just in case.

      And, like Clairity, says, don't pay attention just to lucidity, but also to clarity. Find the balance. Make them both grow together. I think the balance is slightly different for each dreamer. Find yours.

      And, CONGRATULATIONS! You're doing very well! You can do better yet, but that applies to all of us.
      Habilities: fly, pass through things, taste, touch, pain, dare, hear music, breath under water, heal, wake up...

      Wish to: Summon people, teleport/switch environment, read a long text, fly higher than about 1 kilometer, fly quicker than about 200 km/h, 360 vision, freeze time, time travel, transform into beasts, go to the moon, go into deep space, fire portals...


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