I’ve been having problems LDing for about a month and a half with dreams instantly fading to black then me waking up. The same thing happened last night but I sort of found a way round it...

I was outside some kind of educational type place with other students. I was talking to this tramp type guy he need a knife and fork for some reason and suddenly a plastic pair wrapped in plastic dropped from the sky and he says “what do u know god does exist” this stuck me as extremely strange so I got lucid. I tried to stabilise my dream by looking about but it almost immediately faded to black

Usually at this point I try and fight for control of the dream and wake up but I just relaxed and I was floating in the blackness I told myself when I got back this girl I was with in my dream would lose all there clothes (first obvious thing I could thing of ) then I released some of my control and willed for the dream to start playing again. The change worked for a short while then I had a FA

I’m not sure how much control I had at this point but I thought "I can use things I know from dream views to get back into my LD" thinking the FA was real. I would go back into my broken dream for a few seconds then FA again and try to get back in again. Every time i FAed in the room there was a TV showing what was happening in my broken dream along with some other clues I should have picked up on but I was really focused on getting back. Eventually after about 7 tries I thought may as well get up I wont get back to it, that’s when I actually woke up

I think what happed is due to a lot of my dreams having a storyline and when I get lucid it spoils the story and everything falls apart and I wake up or FA into a non-scripted dream. Dreams where I’m just exploring a dreamscape are much more stable on becoming lucid the only problem is that I haven’t had many recently. Anyone with other ideas that might help?