Just thought i'd tell you all about my experience the other day and see what you think.

Well, i was in this large elegant room full of rich people in tuxedo's etc. and I mean there was a LOT. it looked like 30 people. anyway once i entered the room, i became lucid. As soon as i declared it was a dream(which i said aloud), all the dream characters started panicking, running, and screaming. And somehow the room had expanded even larger so there was room for 30 people to run around. Anyway it kinda wtf'd me and so i froze them all(completely stopped their molecules moving), but once i started to call on my dream guide, they were unfrozen and still kept panicking. Also after my "dream guide" came, somehow everyone in the room had disappeared.

So anyone got a clue as to why all these people panicked? maybe they thought i was going to hurt them or something with my lucid powers? any suggestions are welcomed.