I had one lucid before but I woke up very quickly. But this lucid[s] was [were] entirely different, I had a series of things happen in my dream last night, so I'm not sure if it was one huge dream or a series of dreams. I also don't remember it entirely, I don't have great recall, but I can recall portions of it. First off it was extremely vivid, probably the most vivid dream I have every had. I was in my bed, figured out I was dreaming, I stepped out, talked to my parents a little [woke them up I think XD], said weird things, eventually lost lucidity but gained back at points, left house to talk to someone – dad helped pack lunch one thing was a cheese sandwich, talked to person, came back with the cheese sandwich because I don't like them, I was then outside saw green avatar of someone on another forum, it had the xbox swirl like in their avatar but it said Nintendo Video at the bottom. Then I can't remember anything further and woke up at some point.