Here is basically what happened.

I was at my aunts funeral. She died 11 years ago. I was sitting next to my dad, and he kept looking at the door as if he was waiting for someone to walk through it. Then the door opens and my grandma(his mom) walks in. She was late, but we were all just happy that she made it. So were sitting down, listening to the priest talk, when all of a sudden, my aunt sits up. I'm freaked, and scared as hell. She is staring at me. Then it hits me, and it hits me hard. I look at my dad, and realize that he died in 2006, I look at my grandma, and realize she died 4 months before my dad did. I then start crying as I slowly move my eyes down to my hands. I am dreaming. I then start hugging my dad, I know it's not him but I didn't care, I missed him so much and I just had to hug him. I start hugging my grandma. It was just so hard on me. I wish I hadn't become lucid, because as soon as I was done hugging them, I take flight. It was like a test or something, I can't really remember why I did, but I wish I hadn't. I wanted to stay. As I fly out of the church, I'm waking up. I'm panicking, I try to remember what I can do to avoid this. I can't remember. I'm crying, I'm sweating, I'm panicking, things are getting darker, and at the last second, I start yelling "Liiiiiiiight!!!!", it's too late, whatever I was supposed to do, it was too late. I'm back in my room. I get up and rush to the bathroom and just breakdown. What an experience. All I could think about was going back. I need to learn how to control this, get better at it.

So I eagerly go back to sleep and have another lucid. I'm at my old elementary school. I wont go into this any further, it was weird, it involved vampires and demons previously seen on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

So there you have it. My first Lucid experience.