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    1. #1
      ҉ Drone's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      New Jersey

      Hardcore LD inside another dream

      I haven't posted here in ages, maybe because I haven't had anything resembling a lucid dream in that long. But, I think the one I just woke up from warrants a post.

      It starts off with me in my house in the middle of the night. My dog is doing its usual number on my backdoor trying to let me know it wants to go chase a deer or something. I open it and she charges out, but as she runs I hear unfamiliar growling coming from the direction she ran. Then, as fast as she left, she bolts past me back inside the house. Behind her follows three wolves, who soon forget about my dog and turn on me.

      Now, on a usual night this would be where the dream ended, with me screaming in pain as they tore me to shreds. Instead, before they even had a chance to reach me a thought shot across my head. I've never seen wolves in Jersey.

      I went all out on these things. Like there were wolves flying across my backyard into trees. After I offed the first one and still had lucidity (to my surprise) I saw an opportunity to try out flying. I walked onto my deck and proceeded to run full tilt towards the railing and fling myself over it. Didn't work. I landed face down in the grass. Right in front of a wolf. For some reason I told it to "stay" and it obeyed as I tried again. This time I did manage to hover, but only about one inch off the ground (we're talking my chin was still hitting grass).

      So after these antics I chase the last remaining wolf into my house and down into my basement (where symbolically enough, my first lucid took place). It finds my dog and begins overpowering it and I race to think up a way to save her. Don't ask me now, but for some reason "sword" came to mind. Instantly I had a fuggin claymore in my hand which was promptly thrust through the wolf.

      The weird thing was, after that I woke up into another non-lucid dream where I was telling everyone about it.

      So, first flight experience and first item spawn all in one night. Not bad I think. Here's another thanks to this site.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      I would kill to have that dream.

      Was it exactly like your house, or similar to it? I hate those dreams that I wake up after realizing that you were in your home but not your house.

    3. #3
      ҉ Drone's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      New Jersey
      From what I can remember it was almost exactly my house with the exception of part of the backyard. In real life there is no fence between me and my neighboor, but in the dream there was.


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