I've only had 2 lucid dreams (both DILD's), and it's been more than a year since the last one.

The first one I was in what felt like a garage. The floor was cement and extended infinitely all around. There were no walls, but I had the faint impression they were behind me. In their place was just white, like the Construct from The Matrix. There was also a metal folding chair in front of me, like the ones from WWE. I remember suddenly realizing that I was dreaming, and without really thinking, I made an attractive woman appear in the chair. Unfortunately, I woke up just seconds later.

The second, and by far the more interesting, had me in the front room of my house. I was standing just before the doorway leading to the kitchen, when I realized I was asleep. My first thought was, "I have to stay asleep." I remember tilting my head down slightly, lifting my hands in fists about shoulder height, and just forcing myself to stay asleep. Immediately, I felt "wave" of energy flow through me, starting at my head. It felt like a blanket was slowing laying over me.
Afterward, I looked at this picture we used to have on the wall. I knew I could move it, so I lifted my hand, attempting PK (psychokinesis). Naturally, it worked just like I had moving my own hand. I lifted the picture off the wall, putting a gap of a couple feet between them. Kind of to test my power, I made the pic start spinning in air. I guess to see fast I could make it go, I'm not sure.
But, that only lasted a couple seconds as I woke up again.

By the way, this is my first post after looking around the site, and deciding to make a profile. I think it goes without saying (seeing as how I made the profile) that I really like the site.

Also, the Adoption Program is a really great idea. Makes me wish I had thought of it... lol