I flew one other time but it was more like gliding. In this dream I flew all over the place though. I don't remeber why but two kids where trying to catch me. One was a boy and the other was a girl, they had like a super gun that could blow up entire buildings and stuff.

So I flew over to some buildings and I kept flying around them and stuff so they couldn't get a clear shot. The girl wanted to just blow up all the buildings so I had no where to hide but the other one wouldn't do it.

I ended up running out of room so I tried to backtrack around them and go the other way but they saw me. Was like 5 feet away and they shot at me but it didn't do anything at all, I think because I was lucid. So I grabbed the gun and shot it at them. They where standing on a hill and it started shaking and they slid down the hill.

It was pretty steep, they might of got hurt but I ended up catching them for some reason but then I woke up.

I notice one really strange thing in the dream though. On my left arm I had a bunch of white words tattooed on it. Or maybe it was like white body paint, not sure. Some reason I stopped reading what it said though because I thought "oh its the same thing I have in real life", of course I don't though. I think it was like a cheer or something, and I think it had numbers in it.