Its about 4:30 am here and i just woke up from an LD I had during the hour, along with one dream..

the LD consisted of me for whatever reason doing the nose RC and i realized I was dreaming... I tried to make fire come out of my hand which worked for a brief second, as well as light... since it didnt work well, I stood there and really questioned my reality.. shortly after i woke up

I will tell you my non LD so i dont forget it when i go back to sleep after this..

The dream consisted of me, my dad, step mom, and step sisters, we were all at this big hotel for whatever reason with a pool.. This place was big.. like six 10, 11 stories.. with a huge pool.. I remember going down the slide and hitting the water and being sucked into the whirlpool that keeps you under water.. I remember sort of getting scared cuz i "couldn't breathe under water".. I popped up for a second and caught my breathe... I remember seeing my step brother there and asking him if his sisters knew he was there.. He told me not to tell them

Then for some reason the dream switched and I was outside lighting up a cig.. I walked over to where a bunch of people my age were hanging out (22, 23 years old) they were all sitting in their cars smoking cigs, hanging out.. I remember one dude for fun made people run into the hood of their car as he hit them gently... One cop came and broke it all up and told us to leave... The dream switched into me being in a huge mall connected to the hotel... I vividly remembered how funny it felt trying to smoke a cig.. almost like like their was a hole in the filter, and you were smoking/buffing air at the same time...

The mall was very vivid in detail, see lots of stores, some dude i had saw previously in the dream but didn't say anything to me came up behind me and was like "I really need a smoke" I told him no, and he got mad and decided to take a knife out on me, I fought the dude off and ended up getting the knife in my hand, swung it at him to try and cut him, but i dont know if i did... i got a text message on my phone, which woke me up....

hope you enjoyed!

back to bed i go....going to try and WILD
