• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2009

      New here, but please read and tell me what you think!

      Hello,, I have been having some odd things happen during sleep for a number of years, but here is an example of what happened last night.

      Imput is greatly appreciated!

      I was dreaming a odd dream about Orbs and stuff like that when the dream turned into where I was standing in a old barn and there was this group of people who were dressed in 1800's style clothing. They all introduced themself to me and we shook hands. Their hands were warm and the handshakes from the men felt stonger than the lady that shook my hand. I cant remember their names but they were super nice and I had the feeling that I really liked them and was not afraid. A man, who was like the head of them, he had a beard that was short and neatly groomed and was super nice,, I knew he was not real and knew in my dream that he was from the after life. I then asked him if he, beings that he was from the after life, asked him if he knew members of my family that was deceased and he just smiled and cocked his head like he was saying yes, but not saying it verbally almost in a teasing/serious sort of way.. then I asked him if he knew my mother and where was she and he looked off and away as for me to follow his glance and I turned around and seen a group of people sitting in chairs with their backs toward us,, I started off by yelling,, loud,, MOM! MOM! Momma! MOMMMMMY!!! (Louder) and she turned around as I was running towards her,, and as I was running I knew I was dreaming, I knew it from the start, but as I was running I was thinking, I hope Im not dead, thought about my husband, my kids,, and as I approached my mother I notices her hair was curly and nice, her skin was glowing and she was wearing yellow,, But as I got to her I was going to hug her and thats when the dream went black. I didnt open my eyes as I was not awake really yet but then woke up,, if that makes sense?
      I must note that my mother died of lung cancer in 2003.

      What do you think?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2008
      It's confusing because you say you knew you were dreaming (meaning you were lucid dreaming) but also that you knew these people were from the afterlife (meaning you did not realize it was a dream and were not lucid dreaming) unless you mean that in the dream you knew they were supposed to represent people from the afterlife.

      Personally I think things like this are just dreams, but are also amazing tools for comforting ourselves by visiting the memories of those we can no longer visit.


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