So this is the first dild that i have had in a while. Here is what happened.

I was laying in bed listening to music while falling asleep. Then in the middle of the night i woke up (at least it seemed like i woke up). I still felt the headphones on my head (big sound canceling kind), but i also felt the headphones right next to my head laying awkwardly by my head. At first i thought to myself how i got two headphones onto my bed but then i clicked in and i realized that this had to be a dream because i didnt have two of those headphones, and bam, lucid.

My dilds are always in 3rd person which i hate, and this dream was really hard to control. It seemed like i had to try to move my body really really hard to move it.

Other then that nothing really happened, i was in my bed and then tried to get out of the room which was hard and the dream basically ended.