My dream starts off I am watching myself walk down a dimly lit light bluish grey hallway. There is a door open on the left of the hallway, the hallway and the classroom both have the same pattern light bluish grey and checkered. I walk into the classroom thinking it is my Science class. The teacher is built big boned about a size 14 but muscular build. She had long curly flowing dirty blonde hair and wore blue jeans. The teacher said may I help you and I said oh sorry I am in the wrong classroom.

I walk back out the room with my head facing down looking at the pattern. I hear voices and I look to my right. There is a lunch bench wooden and brownish tan colored. I see a guy who used to bully me in school and his girlfriend was someone who was always popular and had the beautiful face hair and body. The blonde long hair and blue eyes, the guy had a younger brother in real life who was much nicer and we were friends they looked exactly alike too it was weird in real life. This is just a little feedback. I tried to be friends with the girl in school in real life but she was the popular girl.

Continuing on in the dream I see him and her and he is holding her and she says cut it out. I notice he is chasing her and he holds her. When she isn’t looking he changes into a lion and I am amazed at what I see. I soon sense she is in danger because now she is trying to get away from him. I run and grab her hand and we are running down the sidewalk. She snatches her hand from me and says what you are doing. I tell her I am trying to save you from him. She says I don’t want to be saved. He soon catches up to us in human form and she goes and vanishes with him. Literally they disappear in the air (poof). I notice that my body literally collapses from underneath me.

I still know I am dreaming but this feels intense and real. I am drained of all my energy and struggle to drag myself through this white door arch way in the middle of the hall. I then collapse and I are no longer lucid dreaming at this point I see my life flash before my eyes everything was cloudy white. The way you would if I was in real life death experience. I see how people treated me badly and never appreciated my kindness. They took it for weakness and at this point I am watching this happen but I felt it. There was no explanation just past events flashing. The next thing I know is the one former friend and everyone who never appreciated me said they were sorry and we never knew. They said they had taken me for granted and were deeply remorseful.

I was in the dream at this point again I mean really in it. I felt a deep sadness from within. The way you feel when you lost someone you loved in life. I opened my eyes to look at my body and I had no hair. I was blue in color my eyes were bluefish grey and my skin was blue. I looked at my hands and saw my new form. I was a blue what looked like half human half alien or the erudite. I felt more knowledge then I ever known and love so much love and peace with forgiveness. When I looked around everyone was gone. This is when I woke up from the dream.