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    1. #1
      Member Eternalxxxchaos's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2003

      Dream powers, and making them better

      I was flying in an LD last night, but I was flying really slow. How do I fly at super speeds? I have done it before, but it seems to vary within each dream.

      Also I was trying to have super strength, which definitely worked, and walking through walls, but if I can conceive powers, how come I can't actually do them? Do I need to practice or something?....

      I was trying to shoot lightning out of my hands last night, but I just got them to glow a bluish white, like I was about to, but then nothing happened.

      **I thought I was in the lucid control forum, could I have this moved, please?
      Last edited by Eternalxxxchaos; 06-06-2009 at 10:30 PM. Reason: wrong forum

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2009
      Yeah, I can't fly very fast either...

      Last Ld I told myself to fly faster and I stopped being able to fly for very long. Strange.
      Most Ld's in One Night: 4
      Ld's since joining 13

      DILDS: 12
      FILDS: 1

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      The direct answer is to develop confidence in yourself, and there are tricks you can use to do this indirectly.

      Once in a dream, I was falling off the side of a mountain and decided I wanted to fly instead of hit the ground. I imagined, or thought to myself, what would it look like if I were flying up the mountain instead. This would include the trees going the other direction. Surely, I noticed the trees moving downwards; I had begun to fly up the mountain.

      A simple way, if you have enough awareness, is to think of the results of your desired action, and what your dream would look like assuming you have already completed whatever it is you want to do. If you want to fly faster, try to focus on what your surroundings would look like if you were moving faster. The main thing to remember is to always focus on what you want to accomplish and rid your mind of doubt.

    4. #4
      Member Eternalxxxchaos's Avatar
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      Sep 2003
      Quote Originally Posted by Nemo View Post
      A simple way, if you have enough awareness, is to think of the results of your desired action, and what your dream would look like assuming you have already completed whatever it is you want to do. If you want to fly faster, try to focus on what your surroundings would look like if you were moving faster. The main thing to remember is to always focus on what you want to accomplish and rid your mind of doubt.
      great idea! Ill try that next LD if I can remember

    5. #5
      Join Date
      May 2009
      With regards to super powers, think of the matrix.

      THe brain creates it own worlds from emperical discoveries. The dream has rules in the world it has created, rules which come from the real world. But the rules can be bent, since it isnt really reality. Just think to yourself. I can do whatever i want. No reason to start out small or anything. Just make it clear for yourself. You are in CHARGE! You are the main character in a universe full of opportunities created by your brain.

      I dont really see why you would want to fly super fast though. Seems rather silly, since it is only a dream, and everything is relative. So the jet in your dream is only going as fast as your brain makes it go. And you are only going as fast as your brain is ''letting you''. But if you really want to go fast, another way is simply moving the universe around you. Ofcourse you have to be levitating first for this to work.

      But just remember U ARE IN CHARGE!

    6. #6
      Member Eternalxxxchaos's Avatar
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      Sep 2003
      I just like speed rushes! =) I understand that I can do anything in my dreams. I have done crazy shit like, make the sky change colors, fly to outerspace, etc (same dream, I must have been super lucid). But it doesn't work like that all the time for me.

    7. #7
      Member Ysengrin's Avatar
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      Nov 2008
      I don't know about you guys, but the way I usually break the laws of physics in my dreams is just to think of it as a natural part of the world. For example, I wouldn't try to fly, it'd simply be something I always could do. Just assume you can fly or run fast: don't think about it. Of course, this works for me since I have a tendancy to think of impossiblities when I start thinking of possiblities, so a more direct answer would be to not think of how impossible it is for you to run at super speed. Just do it.

      Just my thoughts on the matter


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