My first LD in over a year!

Been about two weeks since I got back seriously into Lucid dreaming. It wasn't all plain sailing.

So i'm dreaming, theres an overgrown garden and the two people in there are Alison and Joe DuBois from Medium (love that show!) - they are trapped and go over to a class 91 train in GNER livery. Joe says there's a white cable he's seen on loco which will get them out, he just needs to plug it in.
He takes this cable and winds it in to find the plug at the end. Only theres no plug on the end and it will not fit in the socket. I'm suddenly there and I say why don't you just make the socket into the right shape, after all its a dream...


Lucid! - Alison and Joe are gone, so to the garden and class 91 loco. I'm now stood on a platform and a class 156 is in front of me. I am inches from it and the window is too dirty to see through. I look to my left and I was trully blown away with what my mind can create.
I can now see I am on Inverness station, Inverness has long platforms in RL and so too here and I can see tens of people all the way down the platform. All hussle and bussle amazing!

The nearest group to me were particuarly of interest. They were in 1940's clothing - a group of four women. The nearest lady was blonde and was smiling. Strange as everyone else were in present day clothes.

Just then I saw something red off to my left and over on the other track I saw a gliming red EWS livered class 37, 37416 complete with nameplate that read something like 'Torrirach'

On both these images I simply just stood and stared and said 'Wow!'

Then coming down the platform towards me was former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher! - she was not present day, so was younger even then I think she was when she won office in 1979. She was wearing a dark blue dress with a flower pattern and had a matching large hat.

Heres were it got a little weird. I started for some reason trying to shout at her to get her attention. So i'm yelling 'MARGARET!, MARGARET!'
But it was like I was wearing ear muffs. My ears were blocked, I could not get them to pop.
I have had my ears pop quite alot when i've got Lucid, but never had them stay unpopped.

Also when I went towards her, It was very slow, seemed like it was in slow-mo.

I felt the dream begin to fade so I turned back to the Class 156 and went to touch the window. Funny enough it felt like a window, and it did help stabalize the dream.
I remember saying 'Got to stabalize it!, stabalize!'

Then I thought I should do some cool stuff but dream began to fade again and this time I could not get it back. A final last grasp was me trying to make someone appear behind me, but as I say the dream was begining to fade and I could feel myself lying in my bed.

Still first Lucid in a long, long time so

Anyone else get the blocked ears and/or slow-mo when Lucid?

Thanks for reading
