Well, I haven't posted here in a while, if ever. last night I had a dream about a girl that I've been in love with for two years. I guess it would be common to have sexual dreams about the girl they like/love/have a crush on, but the weird thing is I've never had a dream about her like this...

So, she was in my dream, and we where at this like beach house thing. Then we started having sex, and in the middle of it I was like "this is weird because you know like, I have a girlfriend, and you have a boyfriend." And then she got mad at me, so I asked what was wrong and she was like "You made me do this." and I got up in her face and was like "I DIDN'T MAKE YOU DO ANYTHING." She started to walk away from me and I told her to come back. we went outside on this porch and I said I was sorry, even though I didn't do anything. She smiled...but something was still wrong. Dream ended.
Okay DVCommunity,
/decrypt dream ID #03918