I had my first fully lucid dream last night...It was sort of strange. I was sitting on my front lawn and I was mighty tired, so I decided I would take a nap and try to lucid. I closed my eyes and suddenly collapsed on the grass, and I guess something clicked because when I opened my eyes I KNEW that I was dreaming. It was so strange because, right after, I could hear myself dreaming in the waking world and yet I was doing nothing to breath in the dream world! So of course I attempted to fly which worked okay..I didn't really fly but I sort of lifted off the ground and floated...then I just drifted down slowly. I'm familiar with this in non-lucid dreams, which may be why that's all I achieved. I then rode my bike down a road near my home again where I found a goldfish that could breath air...but could still only flop when out of water, so I decided I should put it in a glass of water and (I was surprised how easily things work out in dreams) a glass of water appeared in my left hand...then I attempted flight again but with less success, and after that I somehow lost lucidity and went on with a non-lucid dream.
Some things that I wanted to note are that I have been on this site for about a month or more and was beginning to forget about lucid dreaming, or become more 'whatever' about it when this randomly popped up. Also, I basically forgot about summoning and stabilizing and ALL of that for some reason, and just moved through the dream world as I would in an actual dream except with control. So Yeah! First Lucid.