I've used kava, alone and with other chemical companions, to attempt attaining lucidity. I've had pretty incredible results across the board.
I ingest roughly 300-450 mg of this concentrated form and find the results impressively forthcoming. However, unlike my caffeine/sleep-deprivation tests, the outcome of Kava dreaming fares a bit dyslexic you could say. Seeing as my motive for ingesting copious amounts of given substances is to ascend to a brain-state conducive to lucidity, which at times could be confused with stupor, and my efforts have not proven in vain in this cause, the ultimate effect I've found relating kava intoxication is one of DREAM intoxication rather than waking intoxication. The past five times I've taken the above amount (which was backed by 3mg Melatonin and 100mg B-6 each time), I've noticed a lucid stupor comparable only to a severe alcoholic daze. This effect was not noted in the absence of kava, with the Melatonin and B-6 elements remaining. I can't theorize at the moment as to why this effect is seen with kava.
The last time I did this I found myself, once again, in incredibly detailed surroundings with vibrant lights, clear sound(which is rare for me), and solidly conceived reality constructs(houses, people, things of that nature). The kava intoxication, wihch I will use in the future as an aid for RC, worked to serve up my dream-self as one under the effect of an almost pre-catatonic trance. I was meeting with familiar people in the dream, in the settings I know them to be in, but was unable to share many words with them due to the uneasy feeling that I was soon to pass out. My senses within the dream were hopelessly skewed, with my balance being off by miles and visual recognition of people falling not far behind on the scale of "1-2-WTF". In this dream all I sought was to find a place to quietly associate myself in the absence of others as I did not wish to be seen in such a distorted state. Perhaps there are psychological devices at work in this dream matrix I've recently found. It should be noted that not all experiences with this concoction have presented so potentially frightening situations as the above. I know that kava is the primary culprit. However, I am not tagging kava as an antagonist that would be better removed from my shelf. Rather, I think I'll keep this one as a valuable tool for the foundation of dream RC environments. My problem, as with sleep paralysis, is that I did not recognize the effect until it had passed. I will be doing this again...and again...and again - because it SO rules.