Last night I went to a girls party, Who i happen to have a deep spiritual connection, and i am in love with her. Anyways all night i keep connecting with her, while her b/f just screamed at her. I had a dream last night, as if i was in a parallel dimension, and she was with me. Here's what the dream consisted of;

He belowed through the kitchen, "Taylor" (her b/f)
The second he mis says her name, her eyes widen in doubt
Im there on the rebound, waiting for her to come back everytime.
She is sitting above me on a metal branch, holding my shoulder.
I speak up and yell at the demon to keep it away.
The kitchen shifted dimensions, like a butterfly effect
I turn to It, to repel the evil glare.
Her energy is magnetized within my thoughts
I turn to her, and see her in doubt.
I feel a sinking in my heart, as the demon clamps onto her soul
He is not her other half, but poses as so, as a hobgoblin.
She see's through the illusion.
My heart is stabbed when she is stricken with doubt.
I comfort her, and our energies link again.