The dream started with me sleeping at the entrance in my house with a blanket on me. I see some CDs next to me so I go check them out. After watching some of the CDs, I decide to go out.

I took some funny slippers that are were hard to walk in and a cap that hitted you in the face at every step, there was something tied to that cap lol.

I walked outside. It was heavily raining. While walking, I saw half of the view filled with snow and said "WTF?! Snow in the middle of the rain?". My head decided that the rain could've been snow initially so I didn't gave it much thought.

My random walking continued until someone/something grabbed and pulled me at random, while I heard a sound of a human shouting. This is when I became lucid and said to my head: "Hey, it's just a dream. You should summon cool stuff". I decided to close my eyes and try to summon something "cool" (the exact instructions of my mind lol), but when I opened my eyes, I was awake .

The vividness wasn't really overwhelming, only the part with the grabbing and the cold rain was believable.

Sorry if this was meaningless to post an ~4 second lucid dream.