7/12/09 co-ed wrestling
Notice some absurdities so lucid. See an old teacher, he hands me and some other guys slips. I try really hard to read mine but can’t because the words keep changing. Then, we enter a huge gym with mats. Then, a group of girls in wrestling uniforms rush at us and wrestle us. Fun, reminded me of my laptag experience. Yea I just went with the dream this time.

7/13/09 lucid in the back of my mind for a bit but don’t do anything about it. Meet Woody Allen though

7/14/09 standing up to a guy with three rifles
My family and I are driving slowly through a suburb, and I see a young man in a trench coat on a roof. Then, he pulls out three rifles (absurd I know) and fires. I wonder if they’re blanks, but then 3 people drop dead. We drive on but aren’t going fast enough, so I get out of the car and now have ice skates so I ice skate away. I’ve become lucid and after a bit I remember my invincibility as the dreamer, so I go back to face the guy. When I se him,, his weapons are gone. He says the people who dropped dead were just acting. He’d been spending his days playing video games alone in his room, and this event was to commemorate his coming out of the house/return to society. As he talks, the dream fades, and at the end I’m trying so hard to hold on to the dream that he and I become an image of crudely drawn stick figures. His story is a result of me feeling that he should say something meaningful at that climactic moment. I can relate to his story a bit.

7/15/09 zombies
I’m a car with some crazy strangers. Then, they see their enemies in another car, crash headfirst into them. I survive the crash, and glass is everywhere. I crawl away. It’s night. Then, some people in the neighborhood turn into zombies. Then, I’m teleported to my house and am looking up a zombie video game on the computer. My sister is a zombie and I have a machete so I decapitate her. But she keeps reappearing so I have to keep decapitating her. I try to run away, but in my fear I have trouble moving quickly like walking through a dense liquid—a dream sign so become lucid. I remember that I’m invincible and wonder if I can feel pain so I let my sister attack me. She hugs me and bites my ear which actually hurts like someone pinching your ear. Wake up

7/16/09 trying to fly
and false awaken from an imaginary alarm clock unless it was my parents’ or sister’s
Beach dream but notice absurdities and false awaken in my tv room. I see my mom and stair at her face for any errors. She has acne, absurd. But then I remember dreamviews.com and try a nose breathing reality check and I can’t breathe so it’s a dream. I go outside and try flying, but have trouble. Can’t stay airborne for long after jumping but am ok at gliding though sometimes have trouble gliding quickly. I try screaming as I lift off but it doesn’t help. Then, I hear an alarm clock and false awaken in my bed. I do a nose check and am very surprised by how vivid this dream is. I go outside and try flying again. Not much better but I can stay airborne longer and even can keep floating in a reclining position. A monster appears, but I fly over him. Then, Wolverine, with his mask on, appears and when I hit the ground he attacks me. But I effortlessly turn him into a hot chick…next time I think I’ll work more on hovering a bit off the ground.

7/17/09 smashing plates and silverware at a prom banquet
Driving to school with my mom, then I hear shots and remember earlier tonight I’d dreamed of people trying to shoot me and chasing me around a big truck moving on a highway. I do a nose check and am surprised because it felt so real. I false awaken then go back to sleep in my dream. This causes like a faux WILD. I’m at a prom banquet then remember that I just fell asleep so I start smashing plates and silverware which is very fun and cathartic and throw/push some plates/silverware at some kids I know who I’ve found annoying. But I only throw a plate once because I don’t like seeing kids I know get hurt. Also, I bend and twist a spoon like it was rubber.