I got my night's rest and decided to try to go back to sleep and have a WILD. The last thought I remember was not being able to move my body. Then I fell asleep.

I was outside, It was dark, and I was leaning against a car talking with my mom, my brother and my grandma. I looked up and saw some sort of StarWars fighter jet floating pretty close above us, I said "Look a fighter jet, you can even see the lego details!" then my mom and grandma laughed and said "what an imagination." Then it clicked! I smiled and started running immediately into the street. I looked behind me and they were all running too.
I began jumping high into the air, over the parked car in the road.
My brother was there and we started to fight, playfully. I tried to imagine some sort of gun to shoot him with but failed. Instead I kicked him and he flew back. When I looked down the street I saw two girls walking, so I started to run down to them when I woke up.

Even though I attempted the WILD before I fell asleep, was this a DILD?