I don't know which order it occured in, but I was in a room, talking to three people, I think they were a family, a little girl, a woman, and a man.. I'd just asked to borrow a book, for some odd reason, and they said sure, and I said that I'd bring it back when I get back to town.. and I mentioned that I was dreaming.. And the one woman there said 'So am I.' And I think the dream started to fade.. starting with her.. I ran over to a lamp right next to her, and turned it on. o_0 And the dream came back. xD Then, I don't know if this happened before or after, but somewhere eariler in the dream I'd gotten a skateboard.. and I was chasing the person up and down a few stairs.. by shouting a spell from Harry Potter books. o_0

There was also this part... where I was catching Pokemon.. o_0 And trying to help a village or something that was being attacked by monsters.... And I opened a door that was the gate to outside the village, and I shut it just by willing it shut, quickly because there were alot of monsters out there.. and this one person's hand got cut off... a person that I know, and think is annoying in RL. ._. But then it was back, when I turned back. xD

All in all... IT was very..... intresting. xD