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    I'm a juvenile product of the working class, whose best friend floats at the bottom of a glass.
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    Seaside Heights,NJ
    Lucid dreaming!, music, movies, reading, writing, internet, pop culture, anything beach related.
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    Years ago when I was in high school. Found this site because I wanted to figure out how to expand my talent for lucid dreaming.


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    Recent Entries

    Week of January 28th

    by BraithVII on 02-04-2018 at 10:26 PM
    Yay I'm back!

    My dreams this week focused on my old job that I had in Lakewood. I think this stems from almost having an interview for a job there last week.

    Times I went lucid - 1/2

    Monday January 29th - Had a couple of different dreams. I was laying on the coach of the house I grew up in. There was some sort of event going on. I had a weird cyst on my leg. I was trying to pop it. Eventually I was able to get it open by scratching it. When it opened this tiny white spider came out. After that I ended up tearing the whole cyst, and these white stringy things that looked like a bundle of nerves came out. I pulled it all out, and I ended up with this huge tear in my leg. I had to go to the hospital and get it sewn up.

    In another dream I was at my grandma's house. People from work were there, along with Bill Skarsgard and Alexander Skarsgard. We were all sitting at the kitchen table. We were talking about stuff, and I remember being attracted to Bill. I did talk to Alex and flirted with him a little. My head was on his shoulder. I went to the bathroom, and at this point I went a little lucid, and I didn't have much control. Initially, I wanted to summon Bill into the room with me, but I just ended up making out with a piece of paper. I do remember at other points in the dream Bill had his arm around me, and vice versa.

    In another part of the dream, there were these girls that were making fun of other girls, treating them badly and harassing them. A girl that I used to work with (We'll call her Janine) was one of those mean girls. She was trying to get into the bathroom I was in, but I ended up beating her up and throwing pizza that she had onto the floor. I felt really bad after.

    Tuesday January 30th -

    I dreamed about my old job. I went to visit there. The area looked like a combination of what it looks like in the real world, and what it looked like in my dream past. Mostly everybody that was there when I left was there in the dream. One girl, we'll call her Jenna, was present in the dream and still working there, although in real life she's no longer there. She came up from behind me and gave me a hug. We talked about some stuff, which was weird because I was never close to her in real life. Then Janine was in the dream as well. I saw her, and I did not say anything to her. She had blonde poofy hair in the dream, when in real life she has brown hair.

    There was a part where this couple came into the office. I knew them in dream world, and they both worked there. They were taking pictures around the office. The man had to use a band-aid for his hand. I was going to go to the back of the office to grab a band-aid, but Janine followed me saying "No, no, no you can't get one," and she was quite bitchy about it. I told her that this was why I didn't work for the company anymore. We started going back and forth, telling her that even though the place I work at now is more hard-core with employee relations, the guys there were still better then the group there. I told her about how great my office counterparts were, and that there were men that actually work in the building, including a cute one who is now a lawyer.

    Thursday, February 1st

    Couple of random dreams. One that I remember is that I was at the Laurel Mall, and this was where my current job was located. Rhonda (Not real name) and another girl were working there. The other girl only worked there in dream world. She was a light skinned young black woman, and she was an HR admin. We were all sitting near the old pizza area. Loretta (Not real name) was there as well, and talked to us about having to speak to someone about a change of rate in pay. Rhonda asked her to have the conversation about the pay with people. The admin got really upset and started crying because she didn't want to do it. She then asked me if she really had to, since she was an admin and maybe should not be privy to that information. I told her that since Loretta brought it up to all of us, that yes she would be able to do that. She started crying again. Her mom and dad then showed up to try to comfort her. Her mom was actually a woman that work there.Her dad tried to comfort her.

    In another dream, Bill Skarsgard was around, and had his shirt off.
    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment

    Week of November 19th

    by BraithVII on 11-25-2017 at 10:02 PM
    I just got back to recording dreams this week! I didn't have anything too vivid. Mainly dreamed about work. My most vivid dream came after falling back to sleep for only 45 minutes one morning.


    I dreamed a little bit about Bill Skarsgard. He was working for IKEA. He sent out and email, and it included a link of images that were quite pornographic. I remember thinking in the dream "Oh he's Swedish, so this probably doesn't mean much to him. Swedish people are less prude about things of a sexual nature."

    Another scene: I was walking into work, and I was remembering my past (my dream past) that I had seen a bird near the side of the building bushes that had a hurt leg, and they were hopping around the parking lot. In my dream present, I walked past that same bush, and that same bird was there, only both legs were messed up and it was barely breathing. There were also a few other sick birds there, and I saw a half frozen squirrel eating one of them.


    Was at the house I grew up in. I couldn't place the time period. I felt like I was still in high school, but was doing adult things, like going to work. It was the morning. My dad was sitting at our kitchen table reading the paper, and my mom was there with the TV on. My dad and I talked about something. I don't remember specifically what, but it made me feel happy and content.

    I do remember talking about work. There was an incident where a CBA co-worker threatened a Team Lead's wife. All of the Team Leads then started showing support for that team lead, and they began wearing different wool colored hats to show their support (I don't get it at all!).

    I then went to work, and it didn't look like a warehouse. It looked like a school set up with a classroom and desks.

    Then went to a new scene, in which I watched Titanic.

    May 21st 2017 to May 27th 2017

    by BraithVII on 05-28-2017 at 04:33 PM
    I went lucid twice last week! I've realized once I do go lucid that my dreams are very foggy, almost like I'm looking at them through a bubble. Also the control of them isn't 100% there yet.

    Most of my dreams involved being back in PA, and also mixed with my work. Also some taboo items came into play.


    Did lucid dream, but did have a false wake up. Was really concentrated on being lucid the day before. I was driving near the woods of the area where I grew up. Did go lucid at this point. Realize that I was dreaming. When I do realize that I’m dreaming my dream world is kind of fuzzy and blurred. Saw a friend from high school in the woods and asked her for oral sex. We did do it. Then had a false wake up in a cabin. There was a video on of the sexual part of my last dream. I was sleeping on a bunk bed and my dad was there.

    Another dream I had took place at night. Waiting in the parking lot of a doctor’s office. The ops support manager of my work was there smoking (she doesn’t smoke) and went into the doctor’s office when it opened. Then I was at work and I was saying hi to some of the guys I work with on the way to the staff cafe. I saw a temp on the way. We said hi and he hugged me and lift me up. I joked with him, asking if he would take me all the way to the cafeteria. Then my boss came out, and said that it could be a worker’s comp issue because he could hurt himself picking me up. I felt offended, although she didn’t say that to offend me.


    Dreams were all over the place, although I did lucid dream. Did my reality check just like I would in real life. I was in a hotel (maybe for work) and I was in an elevator. The elevator did not stop at my floor and kept going up. At that point I realized I was dreaming and actually floated for a little. Characters from the show Archer were in my dream. Archer was actually married to Cheryl.


    Dreams were very foggy. One I do remember is that was back in college. It was graduation day. There were some older people there (kind of like The Golden Girls). Me and an older lady were kind of connected. Remember dragging along a really big suitcase, then going to a reception area with food. Then the next dream was almost like a nightmare. I was in my old house and it could have been haunted.


    Was back in PA and it was night (close to CHristmas time). I was crawling on the roofs of house for some unknown reason. I decided I wanted to crawl onto my grandma’s roof, but it was too steep and had too many high steps to get up to it. My cousin Kaitlyn showed up, and she offered to climb up it. Kaitlyn said she was afraid she might fall, and I said I would break her fall/catch her since I am bigger than her. She did fall, and I did not break her fall. She landed on her back with her right arm behind her. I asked how she felt. She said she felt alright, but felt like her thumb tore off. She brought her right hand forward, and her thumb was almost completely tore off, only being held by a sliver of skin. There was a lot of blood and she looked like she would pass out. I called 911, and we waited. After a while she said she was feeling better. She got up and started walking around.She tries to gross me out, wagging her hand in front of me. At one point I did look and was able to see a small part of her bone. Ended up on the porch of my grandma’s house. The medic arrived, and it was Iwan Rheon. Took care of her thumb and did not go to the hospital.

    The second part of the dream took place at my grandma’s house. It was my place of work, and there was a mentally challenged middle aged black woman there with crazy hair. She was messing around on my colleague’s desk, and my colleague said “Why don’t you go and mess around Amanda’s desk for a while?” The lady started messing up my desk, and I got really angry at her. Then the setting changed to my actual work place, and it was raining and we were all talking about going somewhere to eat. For some reason we were going to drive a school bus there. My mom was also there as well.

    May 14th to May 20th

    by BraithVII on 05-22-2017 at 11:41 PM
    Once again, family was very prevalent in my dreams from last week. Also the theme of failing or things not going as expected popped up.

    Did not go lucid at all.

    May 16th -

    My mom and I went on our yearly trip. In the dream I was in college and I skipped a lot of classes and failed my final exam. Everything was very dark. Then spent some time at my old house. My Pop Pop was there, and there was a party going on. My grandma smoked pot. We were talking about whether we could get her home, and my grandma was laughing. Mom and I got to the hotel for our trip (called the Avalon). We went swimming in the pool. My mom said that she likes going to the pool after the beach.

    May 17th -

    My cousin and I were back in PA, and we went to Wal-Mart. We were both having surgery on the same upcoming weekend. Her surgery was on her right arm. It was getting removed because there was too much pain. The next day I was having surgery on my right hip. Told her I was really nervous because I never had surgery where I had to go under anesthesia. I was scared I would wake up. Cousin tried to drive between two cars and hit a blue car. SHe kept driving and I told her to stop and call the police or I would

    May 18th -

    I was in a dirty bathroom. While in one of the stalls I saw a huge centipede type bug (about 6 inches). I screamed, and someone asked me what was wrong. I said “Nothing.” I felt like I shouldn’t tell.

    May 19th -

    I dreamed I got paid from work, and the only thing that went through to my account was a small reimbursement. Then I was at work doing orientation for new hire. On my break I tried to cancel a credit card payment I scheduled to go through. Ended up paying over $100 on a payment, and added someone to my card for $30. The person’s name was Charlie and he was in his 50s. I called customer service. Heard a prompt to go on their website since it could take a long time to reach someone. I did get a hold of a rep but this person was disengaged and not helpful. Then I dreamed about going onto the floor for an audit at work. The two managers were role playing and the one said that it was important to walk in front of the co-worker.

    April 24th-28th

    by BraithVII on 05-01-2017 at 01:09 AM
    Some themes I noticed from last week...

    1. Lots of family present in my dreams.
    2. Items I was stressing out about (relationship and work wise) were present. At one point I dreamed about money, and I think I symbolickly walked away from it as a way to show that it shouldn't dominate my life.
    3. Dreaming a lot about PA and my past.

    Went lucid once.

    4/23 - Grandma’s house. Pop pop was alive, aunts and cousins were there. Child who could be mine was there. Watched movie.

    4/24 - Went Lucid! Underground at CBP. Did mantra and counted fingers. Sort of could control my dream. May have lost lucidity. Ferris wheel. Harness that went over shoulders. Harness wasn’t working but able to stay in it. Then dreamed I was at work training. Man came in who was withdrawn from position.

    4/25 - Vivid dream. At casino with cousin for night out. Wearing a purple dress with white flowers. Tank top style with inch straps with black cardigan that I actually own. Heels but changed into black flat pointy shoes. Walked around with cousin then by myself. Saw Stan from Golden Girls and said that I looked beautiful. Casino was like combo of PA and Vegas. Outside then my dad and girlfriend showed up. Wearing a salmon colored sweater and kissed me and said hi. Had another dream about a movie starring me. Movie had to do with me going back in time to change my past to change my future. Was able to reverse bullying in elementary school.

    4/26 - Dreamed about art competition at work going on. Romy (guy from my previous company that I had a friends with benefits relationship with) came to work for the warehouse I currently work for. He was there doing the forklift test. Waved and said hi and talked. Told boss and colleague that I used to work with him, but don’t go into details about how we know each other. Told them he is a hard worker but crazy. Haven’t thought about him in a while.

    4/27 - My boyfriend and I split up. Lived in a diff’t shore town, like combo of LBI and Philly. We went to a cobblestone restaurant. Argued, and there was another person present, like my ex’s brother. Going back and forth about breaking up. Both said I don’t know why I’m still with you. Shur Save. Back home (time table in dream makes no sense). Sitting on hill near grandma’s house and could see house. Got 2 Farmer’s Ice Teas and tried to get chicken sandwich out of vending machine. There was a lot of money near vending machine. Didn’t take money. Thought we could get back together if I didn’t take it. “Bible quotes” Men can drink and women shouldn’t. Said that I’ wouldn’t quit drinking, and that he was acting like my ex boyfriend’s brother. Dreamed about church (like Russian Orthodox) Went on adventure and talked to priest about Catholic journey.
    dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid