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    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
    Psychedelics, Final Fantasy, Music, Hitch-Hiking, Nature, Reading, Science Fiction, Spirituality


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    View DanceLukeDancee's Dream Journal

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    A very random, short & funny dream I had. (Grand Theft Auto/South Park)

    by DanceLukeDancee on 02-23-2013 at 01:31 AM
    I am in San Andreas- a setting from one of the Grand Theft Auto games. I must have beaten up some hookers because I am fleeing from the police in a car. As I am trying to escape, everything shifts to 3rd person, but I am still in control of myself. Suddenly, I feel my body slowly start to transform. My arms and legs are growing shorter, and I suddenly can't reach the steering wheel. I am transformed! Into a divine being?! No. Into some sort of animal?! No. Into a Leprechaun?! No. Into "Ike" from South Park?! Yes.

    The police are now beginning to catch up. Because of my stumpy arms and legs I can't drive properly. Unfortunately, I somehow manage to drive towards the edge of a cliff and I climb out of the car. "FREEZE, PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!", the police officers yell. I look towards the edge of the cliff, and an enormous tree is adjacent to it with a rope-swing attached to one of its branches. Out of desperation, I jump and grab hold of the rope swing. But suddenly, I lose my grip and I splatter into a bloody mess on the floor. The police officers then start laughing.

    The end.

    Updated 02-23-2013 at 02:46 AM by DanceLukeDancee

    dream fragment , memorable

    One of the strangest nightmares I've had in a while.

    by DanceLukeDancee on 02-23-2013 at 01:13 AM
    I am with my father, and we are driving to his new house that he recently bought. Although it is in the middle of the day, there is absolutely no one else to be seen. I keep on thinking in my head "Maybe I can stay here when my father is at his other house", and this makes me very excited.

    We arrive and it is a very standard house. We both go inside and once again, very standard. My father goes into another room, and I start examining his pad. As I am going through the rooms, I trip over a pile of books laying on the floor. My father is agitated and tells me off. As I am putting the books back together, I look through them and find that they're about monsters. Not scary or hideous monsters, but the very strange and actually kind of funny kind, like you would see in Yu-Gi-Oh. One of the monsters was called a "Side-Mouther", and all it was, was a pair of ordinary looking teeth with electric probes sticking out on either side.

    We are sitting down in the living, when suddenly I start to hear strange noises that my father is completely oblivious to. At first I thought of it as nothing, but then I ask him: "Are we being robbed?". We look out on the driveway and we see a white van pull away with two cocky men inside. Another car is set to follow and infuriated, my father yells profanities to the driver. The driver who is angered by this, starts approaching the front door with a machete. My little sister appears out of nowhere, and I tell her: "Quick, hide!". My father quickly picks up a hammer, and starts hitting the door in an attempt to scare the yob away. This makes the yob even angrier, and he starts hacking away at the door with his machete. The hits are very accurate and nearly hit my father. I am able to block some of his attacks, but one lands squarely on the head of my father.

    End of dream.