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    Conglomeration of Dreams

    by deadlywoodlouse on 09-18-2010 at 10:11 PM
    If you can be bothered reading this all the way to the bottom, I will be impressed. It does contain at least 3 dreams from one sleep in a single sitting. Continue at your own peril!

    Notes Normal Dream Lucid Dream

    For the past week my recall has been terrible, with me only remembering a couple of fragments. This morning I woke up and started thinking through a dream - still half asleep. Suddenly I realised, "I should be writing this down!" So I hurriedly turned over and started writing. Part of the dream was lost, the part I was thinking about before I started to write it down.

    First (?) part of dream was forgotten, but I recall entering a dark building. I was sure that I wasnt myself at this point, like I was inhabiting someone else's body. It was an orphanage, and I had the distinct feeling it was where I had grown up. Moving through the building, I found no-one about. Dumping my stuff (when did I get it?) in a room, I moved to another corridor and there was a guy who I knew in real life. Wearing nothing but a very short towel. Not being gay, this was not exactly a particularly pleasant thing for me to witness. "You must be looking for [his mother], here follow me." He led me to the reception (of sorts) and I knew that there was another part of the building behind it, that I didnt get to see. I was taken to a room, "Terga 4" (definitely saw that written down) which incidentally was the exact room I had dumped my stuff, and also grown up in (the person I was inhabiting)

    Dream Change

    Cutting grass in my current High School, although it seemed slightly different. I couldnt place why exactly in this dream. In any case, I had finished cutting two portions of the grass, and was just about to start the third when I was informed it was military property, and was as such dangerous. WTF? I moved outside the school, along a path. There was a box which provided electrical current to some wires, one along the first portion of the road, two along the second. I reached the start of the second portion the first time I walked along it, being led by a friend. The second time along, I was the one who was leading, and I'm sure we were being followed by a couple of idiots. At some point along the path I touched a wire to see if it was live It was before telling the others not to touch them. For some reason we walked on the part of the road that was narrower, on the grassy bank to the right hand side. When we got to the end of this road, there was a house.

    It was dark, or at least stormy, with an illuminated house opposite us, atop some cliffs. A river went by in front of us, making a bridge lower down the only viable way across. Luckily there was an elevator for us (me + several others) to go down. We had almost all managed to fit into the elevator, only two people were not in it with us. As we started to go down, the idiots who had followed us arrived. We touched the ground below, and the idiots cut the rope that would have allowed the other two to get down. Interestingly enough, I predicted this would happen.

    We had to get across the river, and once again I predicted what would happen next. The bridge broke. Luckily we were carrying the wooden elevator floor with us, and this allowed us to float. Unfortunately, I somehow fell over the edge and got trapped between a submerged post and the current of the river. Next thing I knew, I was floating near the house, and I remember a distinct feeling of WTF? How the hell did I get over here? I could hear the two friends who had been stranded up on the other side of the river, but not the friends who were actually in the river.

    Dream Transition, like a scene change in a movie.

    I was back at the first part I wrote about, but there were two changes: I was younger, and I definitely was myself instead of inhabiting another person. Were the two above parts of the dream linked? It would appear so, because there in the distance was the house, but it was daytime. Riding a tricycle, alongside a girl. We were both of about 7 or 8 years old at this time. Of all the parts I've talked about, this is the most difficult to remember. Things were fuzzier, more indistinct. I have no idea who the girl was, and I dont get the feeling that the major part I forgot explained who she was. All I know was that we were playing, and suddenly, she wasnt there. I asked no-one in particular, possibly my brain, what had happened to her.

    She had died.

    I suppose I knew already, but subconsciously. I think she died of cancer, although what variety wasnt explained. It was very sad, because it was like a childhood friend had died, and I didnt quite understand why.

    Dream Change

    Sitting down in the shower room, for some reason I put my thumbs on my nostrils. Breathing in still worked. Why? Had I not covered them properly? I tried again, sticking them right in, blocking my nasal passages completely, and yet I could still breathe in and out. With a sudden realisation, I was lucid dreaming! This was only the second time I could ever remember going lucid, and the first time with a conscious reality check, (albeit one I have never used before) and this made me pretty pleased. Feeling incredibly pleased, I sat for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of awareness. I was by this time quite tired of dreaming, I doubt I could have taken much more, so it was quite a relief when I woke up.

    Im completely happy with the Lucid lasting only a few moments, because it has happened only once before. My goal now is to have a longer lucid dream, where I explore being aware.
    memorable , lucid , non-lucid