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    Hello dreamviews.com! My name is Adrian, and I am a 23 year old from Carlisle PA. I currently work with a company called DCS Inc, and recently obtained a promotion. I play in a melodic-metal band called Fear the Fallen, as music is my passion. I am very gald that I've found a website like this to share my odd and often "dumbly-prophetic" dreams. I am looking forward to sharing this info, and maybe relating to some of the other folks on this site!
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    music, Fear the Fallen
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    Finger Nail...

    by DumbProphecies on 04-13-2011 at 05:37 PM
    Well I had a quick, but memorable dream last night. So here it goes!

    I approached the front of an older home with a large porch and walked inside. (may have been "my home") I picked up a nail about 3 inches long and hammered it into my right index finger. Like, through the bone towards my knuckle. I even made sure the nail was flush with my finger tip. I then walked out onto the front porch and pulled the nail from my finger and I could see the "tube" under my skin where the nail had been. I then saw the blood flow from the bottom of said "tube".

    So I guess this is the literal finger nail? Odd stuff.
    memorable , non-lucid

    Phillies gam, but not a Phillies fan...

    by DumbProphecies on 03-11-2011 at 03:34 PM
    I had a dream last night that my dad had given me tickets to go see a Phillies game. Naturally, I invited my girlfriend (as she is a Philly fan for every sport) and some friends. We got there and my friends purchased additional tickets for the game. On our way to our seats we were greeted by a staff member who told my friends where to go to sit, and then I handed her my tickets and she said I couldn't go to my seats. She said beacuse they were in my Dad's name, I needed a copy of the insurance policy showing him and I being related. (???) So we stood close to where there was an elevator that would take us up to our seats, and when said employee wasn't looking we went in the elevator and up to the 4th floor. We were looking around for our seats, but could not locate them, then my girlfriend vanished. I was invited by a girl with a foreign accent to sit at the end of her row, and for some reason, her little brother kept trying to wrestle me. The game had just started but I couldn't see it from my seat. Some additional friends (girls) decided to leave and when they left I kissed them goodbye. It was a very odd dream, and I'm pretty sure I have whoever is reading this, laughing at me.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Angel, Tone-Loc, Iron Maiden, and an Ampitheater...

    by DumbProphecies on 02-11-2011 at 05:22 PM
    So this is my first entry on dreamviews, so don't laugh. On th night of Wednesday the 9th I has a very odd non-lucid dream. It all starts that I am at this house, which I assumed was mine, with my best friend Sean. I was back in the bedroom with a beautiful girl named Angel who was tan with brown eyes and brown hair. A very metal chick indeed. We were laying on the bed and somehow were then sitting on the couch and she was only in her bra and underwear. At this point my current girlfriend walked in and I introduced Angel as Sean's girlfriend at which point my girlfriend dissmissed me completely and walked away.

    This gets better! Then I was in an ampitheater outdoors. I was operating sound for a concert that was to take place here. I was helping Tone Loc (funk cold medina. lol) do his sound check then helped a combination of Iron Maiden and Motley Crue sound check with me playing bass. There was a panel of movie stars on the stage showing a preview of their movie then it quickly switched to the same ampitheater packed with college kids doing a Q&A session with the stars. I was sitting with my girlfriend toward the front at which point I stood up and walked towards that back where that Angel girl was AGAIN! I talked to her like I knew her my entire life and stated I wanted to know her better. I walked away to meet my girlfriend coming up the stairs and the dream was over.

    So i guess my biggest question is, who the hell is Angel and why was she current in two dreams that I had? Hmm, dreams are so vivid sometimes.