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    View FloatingLotus's Dream Journal

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    Breaking Through

    by FloatingLotus on 09-24-2012 at 04:36 PM

    I used to have dreams that take place in or around my father's house, but not in a long while...always the dreams are frustrating, where I can't seem to accomplish what I am trying to do, whether it's just move around, fly, or escape usually.

    There's a huge oak tree in the backyard, that whenever I tried to fly up through it (lucid or not) I would get bogged down and trapped in its branches or nearby power lines.
    This time, I looked up, intending to fly (not lucid) and saw the tree branches start to crumble and fall all around me. The tree weakened very quickly, then toppled over altogether.
    I was able to shoot straight up into the sky, right up into the clouds. There was a storm coming off in the distance, and it was dark and cloudy. I could see the array of lighting off aways.
    I dove head-down towards the ground. I could see the water droplets forming in the clouds, about to fall down with me.

    Then the dream veered off into some murder nightmare I'd rather forget.
    I think the significant part was the tree branches falling and finally feeling free to do something I previously couldn't do physically or mentally in that recurring dream.

    It's weird, because I was feeling kind of in tuned with something yesterday, in my waking life. Like psychically connected to people. I just keep having these coincidences and "small world" occurrences, between a lot of my new friends, involving older friends and even exes.
    I mean, I know my city is relatively small compared to others (it's Denver) but still...I've only been here one year, and I just found out that I was connected to all my current close friends before I even met them. Even the guy I was recently seeing - we have ties, between mutual friends and other things - like where he used to live with his ex-wife.
    It's just tripping me out, I feel like I'm getting a glimpse of something that is supposed to be a secret to me.

    non-lucid , memorable


    by FloatingLotus on 05-09-2012 at 05:21 PM

    I was on my block, with bars and clubs, and my sister was there. We were dressed up, going out. I was dressed in the pink and black I wore several years ago on Halloween.
    I couldn't find her, with a group that was moving around. Then she appeared in someone's vehicle, drunk or something.

    Then it was daytime, and an enormous group of colorful balloons with ribbons and streamers appeared, and lowered down to me. I grabbed them by the ribbons, and pulled them along behind me.
    I went through a gate with point tips, and they all popped.

    non-lucid , memorable

    Tidal Wave over Mountains

    by FloatingLotus on 05-02-2012 at 09:38 PM

    I was in a car, driving fast down a road, mountains to my right.
    I look to the mountains, and see a huge tsunami wave breaching the top of the mountains. Drive faster, escape.
    But suddenly it's all around us, and I see the wave rise like a white wall in front of us, coming down upon us (I don't know who else I was with, maybe a sister).

    I'm talking to someone about the tidal wave. It's coming.
    Then I'm in an arcade with balls, throwing, games, lights, colors, quarters.
    Playing again and again.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Planetary Alignment

    by FloatingLotus on 05-02-2012 at 09:28 PM

    Last night, I had a really amazing, vivid, symbolic dream. First I fell asleep while thinking about my boyfriend and his job. Once I realized the thought had transferred over into a dream, I jolted, "This is a dream now," and woke up, unfortunately.

    My most vivid dreams tend to occur at the very end of my sleep cycle, right when I'm about to wake up in the morning.
    My body has learned to turn off my cell phone alarm clock before I'm awake enought to consciously register it. I vaguely remember my hands on the phone, turning off the alarm. Then I drop back out and return to finish the dream. It's a real problem, because I was late to work this morning. And I need to go to sleep earlier.

    Anyways, my late cycle dream last night/this morning was really memorable. It was about planetary alignment, something I've read or heard about happening in 2012, and the rise of popular collective consciousness, and higher awareness.
    It was set in a location in an open area, among a complex of glass houses and colored glass domes with special colored glass statues posted around in a ring. I would transfer from one to the other throughout the dream.
    There was either a beach or body of water just beyond the glass house where the viewing spectacle began.
    It was a deep, dark night, and the sky was a vast empty void, blacker than any human color imaginable, an inky expanse above my head, and I looked up at it. The stars were brilliant and bright, dotted innumberably throughout the black ceiling, much more than seen in the milky way, and bigger than normal, as if they were closer to our heads.
    The planets were due to align that night, and we were all waiting to watch it happen. My stepdad was there, perhaps my entire family; but I don't recall any conversations.
    Suddenly they appeared in the sky, off in the distance, over the water, shining and bright, big enough to see the planets themselves with the naked eye. They were smaller at first, but grew from star-sized to real planet size, all in a line together, and earth was somehow in the middle. Sparkling, bright, beautiful in the sky, surrounding with energy amongst the dark black. They shined and pulsated, emanating energy, light, and sparks like fireworks or a sparkler.
    Suddenly I saw them in space, floating view along with them, from above, in front, and at an angle. Floating in the black expanse, sparking and pulling together, creating energy and love.
    Then I saw them again from Earth, looking up at them in the sky. Turning, spinning, sparking, lighting, growing.
    The sky was alive with the biggest stars, streaks of light, sparks and comets, and the line of planets.
    I was in the colored glass dome. Then back in the glass house.
    One by one, the planets came down to visit us, zoomed down from the sky to twist and rotate right infront of the glass window. At this perception, the planet was the size of a large boulder, but not its real planet-size enormity.
    One was Earth itself, I think, or one like it, with blue oceans and green land, clouds and valleys and rivers. We pressed against the glass to look in awe, as it rotated, then turned and zoomed off back into the sky by in its line.
    One by one they came down: blue Neptune, Saturn with its rings, a red, potted, scarred Mars, orange Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, and even tiny, grey Pluto. Some planets were gaseous, not constricted to a size or shape, morphing and free to roam its space. Blue twirls and beautiful hues. Each one came down to give us a good look, then rejoined in its line in the sky.
    They continued to spark light and energy, and I became aware of the higher collective consicousness, we were all reaching it there together, rising above our constricted human form of awakeness. It was enlightening, freeing, liberating, lifting, light, energetic, and joyous.
    As they settled back into the sky line, they blew up in an explosions of light, energy, sparks, and excitement. It was beautiful, mesmerizing, and terrifying. Like giant fireworks in the sky, comets blazing about, and stars shining ever more brilliant and brightly, it ended.
    And that was it.

    I have read about 2012 and the planetary alignment, and some people think it's going to cause a higher state of consciousness accross the globe. I'm not sure what I think of that, but I think this dream had a lot of meaning for me.
    I'm practicing meditation and focusing my mind on my own sense of self and reality, and figuring out what is consciousness and what is reality for me; so I'm not surprised this dream came now.


    Planet To see a planet in your dream, signifies creativity, exploration, and new adventures. You are trying to align yourself with untapped energies that you never knew you had. Alternatively, to dream of planets, suggests that you are trying to escape from your own waking reality.

    Look up the specific planet for additional significance.

    To notice the earth in your dream, indicates that you need to be "grounded" and realistic. Perhaps your sense of stability and security is lacking. Consider the consistency of the earth for additional significance on how you are feeling. If the earth opens or separates, then it represents a project or relationship that you are afraid of falling into.

    To see the planet Earth in your dream, signifies wholeness and global consciousness. You are interconnected with the world.

    To see Jupiter in your dream, symbolizes creativity, energy, success, optimism, generosity, pleasure and extravagance. The dream may indicate your need to exhibit some of these qualities in your waking life. Alternatively, seeing Jupiter in your dream, indicates your need to expand your knowledge and explore your limits.

    To see Mars in your dream, symbolizes energy, drive, passion, fearlessness and ambition. It also represents war, violence and masculine power.

    To see mercury in your dream, represents quick movement. You need to speak up first and think it through later. Trust your intuition.

    To see the planet Mercury in your dream, symbolizes alertness, awareness, open communication, reason, and versatility. The dream may indicate your need to exhibit some of these qualities in your waking life. You are exhibiting efficiency in your work.

    To see Uranus in your dream, represents originality, unconventional thinking, independence, freedom, and individualism. You may be rebelling against some situation in your waking life. Alternatively, Uranus indicates that something unexpected is about to occur.

    To see Saturn in your dream, represents discipline, constraints, and limitations. It is a reflection of your conservative attitude. Alternatively, the dream refers to the cycles of life and how it brings about destruction and rebirth.

    To see Pluto in your dream, symbolizes death and destruction. You are undergoing a rebirth an a transformation. Your hidden potential will also be unveiled.

    To see the planet Neptune in your dream, represents inspiration, imagination, and devotion. You may need to show some more compassion and understanding.

    To see stars in your dream, symbolize excellence, success, aspirations or high ideals. You are putting some decision in the hands of fate and luck. Perhaps you are being too "starry eyed" or idealistic. Or the stars may represent a rating system. You are you trying to evaluate a situation or establishment. Alternatively, the stars signify your desire for fame and fortune.

    memorable , non-lucid , nightmare

    Mean Octopus

    by FloatingLotus on 03-19-2011 at 05:19 PM

    In my dream...
    I was with my sisters, I think, at some shore-side beach town with a boardwalk and shopping malls built up around it, with restaurants and stores, stairs and escalators.
    I don't know quite where this dream picked up, but we were trying to get into this swanky, special restaurant, and had to go through like a screening process. We got lucky tickets to enter, but then got zapped or shot with something, water or bullets, that left six little red welts on my stomache, lined up in a row, three on each side of my abdomen.
    I was allowed entrance.
    The restaurant was really pretty, on a roof top, lots of blues and whites. We didn't have to pay for the meal, yet it was a beautiful gourmet meal. Seafood.
    (here's where it gets weird)
    They were shooting octopuses up into the air with a cannon, and the octopuses would spin up in the air and then blimp out a parachute and swirl back down to the ground safely. They were very colorful and translucent, and it was fun to watch; but I was scared of what happened once they landed.
    I was eating some seafood dish, and it was good; but then something caught my eye to the left. Some storage door opened...one of the octopuses had gotten out. He was huge, probably 4 feet tall, tentacles twisting and moving as he pushed his way out the door.
    Then he looked at me. I can't explain how scary it was. His eyes were pure evil, surrounded in black, angled dramatically, furrowed furiously glaring, sheened over glossy, deep, black, angry stare. Right at me. It was like my vision suddenly tunneled and focused right on those eyes, horrifying.
    I was petrified! He squirmed his way over towards us, and I think I stood up and ran. I ended up at a door, apparently some place I was staying. I now had an octopus myself, and it was on the floor, only it didn't look like an octopus. It looked like a cuttlefish, changing shapes and colors, morphing right there in front of me. Then it was briefly changed into a small, reddish-brown dog, chiuahuah sized...
    I was on a ski lift, and I had an octopus around my shoulders, then it was a snake. My cat was there too, and he fell off the lift to the ground. I don't know how, but I zoomed from the chair in the air down to him, and picked him up, all the while with the snake around my shoulders. He was hurt, but he was alive.
    That's about all I remember...
    Definitely an odd dream with all the octopuses.

    I can't get the image of the octopus glaring at me out of my head, so I'm going to draw it.
    This is what one site had to say about octopuses in dreams: Octopus

    To see an octopus in your dream, means that you are entangled in some difficult matter. Your judgment is being clouded. Alternatively, the octopus indicates that you are overly possessive and maybe too clingy in a relationship.

    Which does apply...my relationship is shaky, and my boyfriend is really attached to me, and I might be ignoring my gut instinct that says I shouldn't be with him.

    Updated 03-19-2011 at 05:28 PM by FloatingLotus

    non-lucid , memorable