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    Four Dreams in One Night

    by MegaBear on 09-04-2010 at 03:46 PM
    Because of this website teaching me some techniques, I was able to recall four dreams from last night.

    My first one was some guy placing a nuke on OSU campus. He told us we had 150 minutes to run to a safe place (which would only save us in a dream) after that, the bomb grew legs and started chasing me.

    The next one I particularly liked. Halo: Reach was released on Steam and I bought it. The dream didn't show any gameplay, which kind of stinked.

    Then I went fishing in this very small lake and caught outrageously large fish. After fishing for a few minutes, I suddenly appeared at a new lake in the desert. Some small lizards chased me around and I caught some swordfish. Weird dream.

    My last dream was me taking my cats to go search for bigfoot (loel). It was an unsuccessful search with no results.

    Overall, my dreams last night were short and boring.

    Jurassic Park: A Frequent Theme

    by MegaBear on 09-04-2010 at 01:20 AM
    This is a theme that appears frequently in many of my dreams; Jurassic Park. Being a big Sci-Fi, I like watching Jurassic Park movies. Obviously, they've become a major part in my dreams. The fact that I'm interested in Paleontology has made this theme occur even more. Since I'va had so many dreams that I can't really remember any one of them, here's my most recent one that I had about three months ago.

    It started with me and many of my classmates crossing wooden logs above a swamp (filled with vicious Compsonagnthus and Deinonychus) in a sort of puzzle way. We would have to balance each log out by placing a certain amount of people on each side in order to get to the next log, until we finally got out of the swamp area.
    Now that I'm out of the swamp area, all of my friends have disappeared.I'm now with my sister and father. We see the swamp area behind us, as if everything that just happened with me and my classmates actually happened with me and my two family members. This only further contributes to the entire videogame theme within this dream. So, my father, sister and I continure into this odd box canyon with a cliff in the center. On the cliff is a large cage with a roof, almost resembeling a bird cage. We walk up this ramp carved out of rock that's about a forty-five degree angle off the ground. Up inside the enormous cage are a family of Styracosaurs. We examine them for a few moments before heading down the ramp. Of course, down below is a Giganotosaurus standing there watching us. We quickly run over to some kind of maintinence building along the cage fence and hide inside. We can see the therapod outside trying to kill us, but he is unsuccessful. After that, I remember us somehow getting home, and then the dream ends.

    Updated 09-04-2010 at 01:40 AM by MegaBear

    side notes , non-lucid , memorable