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    Date of Birth
    January 17
    About mercurialcrush
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    I am:
    - a frequently vivid but rarely lucid dreamer.
    - an artist.
    - INTP [Myers-Briggs].
    - here to chat, record some dreams, lurk, and maybe make a friend.
    Country Flag:
    North Carolina
    Drawing, painting, reading, writing, finding beauty in everything.
    University public system bus driver
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    by mercurialcrush on 01-04-2019 at 12:58 AM
    I am with a troupe of soldiers. There are maybe a couple dozen of us. We are kayaking in a loose formation along a coast. Our double-ended oars have marshmallows skewered to the ends. We arrive at an inlet which opens up to rolling green hills with pure white classical buildings. We are greeted by a statue riding a horse who directs us to one of the nearby buildings. Inside the building I find a staircase. On one of the staircase landings, a frame with a glass pane rests on the ground, against the wall. Framed is a painting of stained glass with light shining through. For the remainder of the dream I attempt to get a picture of this painting on my phone but there is too much glare.


    by mercurialcrush on 12-19-2018 at 04:40 PM
    IWL: I'm currently on a road trip. Travel tends to change the nature and/or intensity of my dreams.

    Dream: In a room. Somewhere public with several tables+benches. Scott (having the face of the person I know) is giving people free drugs ie. Xanax. But he is tricking people into also taking fentanyl. He tricks my boyfriend. This does not fly with me so I report him. Scott has to leave and he tells me that I'm going to pay for doing that in an attempt to be threatening but I assure him no, you are going to pay. I tell someone at the table about the events that just happened.

    Fragment: Same dream. Outside. Black SUV. Members of the fire/flow arts community pull up and say hey.


    by mercurialcrush on 12-12-2018 at 04:41 PM
    Note: This one was quite violent. This is out of the norm for me, but seeing as there is some unusually intense drama playing out in my life right now (a major disagreement with my partner), I guess this is sort of a reflection or a catharsis. Still, it was unsettling.

    Dream: In the far backcountry with a few other people. At least three others. I don't know who these people are. Myself and one other are antagonists in this plot, although my participation in the events that unfold is limited and hesitant.
    We are in what might be part of a state or national park. There is a large clearing of about 6-8 acres. Most of it is flat, but on one end, it slopes up and rises about 20 feet, has a sharper incline that rises another 3 feet, and then it levels again, and the upper 1/2 acre is level and it contains the road access. Myself and the others drive into this lot and park in a light, military-grade 4x4. We bring the others out of the truck and push them towards and down the hill. They are fearful. The other antagonist is immersed in haranguing and intimidating them. At some point during this escalation I begin to distance myself and hide behind the steeper incline at the top of the hill. I watched as he lobbed explosive spray cans and they landed on the victims, who burned and died.

    This morning (IWL) my partner was getting ready for work and I really wanted to speak to him or hug him or something, but instead I had fallen asleep and had several consecutive false awakenings that involved me laying in bed and chit-chatting with him in a neutral way.

    Fragment: a campus. Rainstorm. Seeing a friend through a window. Trying to get some documents printed. In the library, somebody is trying to come on to me and they don't listen or stop despite my dissent.


    by mercurialcrush on 12-11-2018 at 03:53 PM
    Fragment: Wine Ocean, name brand for powdered wine.
    Fragment: an isolated building on a scenic hillside. Maybe in the style of Romanesque revival. Included a large staircase up to the entrance which is covered with a two-story-tall veranda and classical columns. I watched as a man in an electric wheelchair pressed a button and the staircase transformed into a somewhat steep slope, and his wheelchair angled itself appropriately and climbed it no problem.
    Fragment: watching Panda Bear (my favorite musician) perform a new set. Highly percussive, in fact he had hired quite a few people to play a percussive arrangement. He played guitar, which is unusual for him. He wore prosthetic makeup and green paint on his face, making him look something like an alien or a monster.
    Fragment: riding in a car as a passenger through a scenic countryside. Checking email.
    Fragment: May have taken place in the same fictional school as previous dreams. Gym class. Tennis balls. Two adjacent gymnasiums. Class transformed into a demo about making a sliding paper cutter. I was irritated because I wanted to play sports.
    Fragment: Fictional hometown. Hiking.

    Dream: In the style of a video game. Maybe a bit like Assassin's Creed in that my "character" is highly mobile on foot. A huge bear is chasing me and no weapons are really helping ward off or kill him. I pass through a series of rooms in quick succession. I come out in the side of a cliff and a campus sits below about 50 feet. I make my way, airborne, towards the campus and find a large spherical arcane weapon with an oculus. It is big enough for me to sit inside. It fires an electric beam wherever you point the oculus. I see the bear running a covered walkway lined with columns leading from the side of the cliff. This weapon is effective to kill the bear. It is ineffective on any humans.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    12/2 dream, spiritual presence

    by mercurialcrush on 12-08-2018 at 03:19 PM
    Location: large luxury house
    POV: some first-person, some third-person
    Notes: Sexual content. Movie style cutscenes, organic flow. Dream "self" is not obviously me. Order of scenes is not chronological. I ate a lot of rice krispies treats before I went to sleep.

    Events: A dysfunctional family is preparing to sell the house. A real estate agent frequently visits. The agent and the matron have a
    vindictive/antagonistic relationship. [In third person:] The agent and matron have a reigned-in/relatively calm but emotionally charged verbal dispute. Their attitudes suggest that in the manner of stereotypical feuding upper class housewives they are constantly working to undermine each other. The real-estate agents tells the matron of the household that the matron's sour attitude is pushing away clients.

    [In first person:] Upstairs, two young men ("myself" and another) share an intimate moment. The one who lives at the house is laying on a cot or couch, with a visitor ("myself") resting at his side, sitting on the floor. Another conscious presence is transmitting information about the nature of meditation. This portion of the dream has a spiritually compelling feeling that is difficult to describe. I actually remembered some of the direct information that was given by this ethereal voice upon waking up, but it has unfortunately left me now.

    The remainder of the dream was sexual in nature, involving the first two men mentioned and an additional pair. They are attempting to stealthily hook up in the upstairs area.