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    Hey there, I'm sixteen years old, British, and I like Anime, Video Games and a ton of other pretty nerdy stuff >.>
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    One very strange morning

    by NecroPhysics on 06-04-2014 at 01:34 PM
    (Ahhh, so this is my first fully-aware lucid dream and I am so excited!

    I'd been trying to WILD that night with no previous sleeping just to see if it would work. I also very briefly looked at the DILD technique (like literally around 5 minutes). Either way, neither worked and I woke up in the morning completely dreamless. Either way, considering that I had got some sleep prior now I half heartedly tried WILDing again. It did not work again, however...)

    ... I can't remember anything about my dream before this point but the first thing I remember was checking my left hand and realising I had 8 fingers*. I started to become lucid but this world seemed so real! I was laying in my bed at my Dad's house and it all looked so... in place*. I checked a couple more times and sure enough, although the numbers kept changing, my hands kept sprouting extra fingers!

    Not sure what to do, I tried turning on the light and sure enough, the switch did not work. It was at this point that my Dad began to speak. I was sure he said something about me waking up, which made sense since I was in my bed and it did seem to be morning. Either way, I opened my door and there he was. I said hi to him and my step-mum, taking note of the fact that there was an extra door in the hallway*. Up to this point, I had been considering shouting something out loud to the world in order to attempt to change it in some way however I didn't since I was worried this might not really be a dream and also, if it was, that my dream-dad might do something weird if he heard me. I told him I was going to go in the shower, hoping I could speak whilst drowning out the noise then, but he told me to stay put for a little while.

    Going back into my room, I decided to take a look at one of the books on the shelf. I picked Harry Potter in the end. Opening it, I can't remember what the words on the pages actually said, however there were poems, at the bottom of the pages, written by the author to her dad. The letters d and q were highlighted in a bold, bright orange colour on each page as well. I also noticed that it looked like someone had drawn on the pages, writing their own poems on the pages as well*. Scrolling back through the book, the highlighted letters were no longer highlighted. I was also aware that, downstairs, my dad seemed to be letting someone into the house.

    Either way, after checking my hands a couple more times, still a bit in disbelief, I covered my mouth in my hands and shouted into them the first thing that came to mind - "Take me to the beach!". When I opened my eyes, I was still in the room but gravity seemed to have flipped 90 degrees, with the floor in front of me and with me standing on the wall. I tried again and everything went black. It was at this point that a little bar at the bottom of my vision appeared, kind of like the progress bar on a YouTube video. Wanting to try again I rewound a little way backwards before closing my eyes and promptly waking up.

    (Dream Notes!

    * - It was only after waking up that I realised I had been looking for 6 fingers as a sign of real life, as oppose to 5. Turns out I apparently can't count in dreams >.>

    * - There were, looking back, actually quite a few things wrong with this scenario. First of all, in real life, I had fallen asleep at my Mum's house, not my Dad's. Second of all, my bed at my Dad's has been moved to the other side of the room, but in the dream it was still in the old position.

    * - I wonder what would've happened if I'd gone into this "extra" room? Maybe I would have seen something dark and secret?? :O

    * - I can't actually remember what the other writing said although I remember there being arrows pointed to the poems, like someone was trying to add something onto the end of them?

    lucid , memorable

    The Earthbending City

    by NecroPhysics on 09-27-2013 at 11:11 PM
    I was in a large city. I was earthbending, which wasn't allowed. I started getting chased by police cars and was eventually caught. They brought me to some kind of mafia hideout and I was placed in a dark room. I remember seeing a small scorpion in the room and trying to escape. More and more scorpions kept appearing until the room, and me, were covered in them. Everything went black. The next thing I remember was escaping across rooftops whilst being hunted down.

    The Dark Coridoor

    by NecroPhysics on 09-15-2013 at 07:43 PM
    (This dream took place after waking up from the previous one, and falling asleep again.)

    I was in a smallish room. I think I remember there being sort of an office-y style to the room, with a plant, sofa, table, etc... Outside was a long, narrow corridor, with lights spaced out very specifically, on the ceiling. It looked kind of like a hospital corridor. Suddenly, all of the lights went out simultaneously and I closed the door, scared. Like the last dream, I became lucid out of nowhere. I closed my eyes and willed the lights to turn back on. When I opened the door again, the lights were on, but the light from them looked kind of strange and hard to explain. It sort of looked hazy and unreal. After that, the same thing happened as the previous dream. I started to wake up, rubbed my hands together, and forgot the rest of the dream.

    A flight to America?

    by NecroPhysics on 09-15-2013 at 07:36 PM
    I was with my Dad and Step-mum and we were about to get onto a plane, headed to New York (I think). As we got on, the room suddenly shifted and began to look like some sort of high security vault. I don't really know why, but I suddenly became lucid. All I can remember is being surrounded by a couple of people I didn't recognise. I closed my eyes and tried to materialise something out of thin air. I opened my eyes and there was a small chest in front of me. I picked it up and opened it, and there was a ring inside. I could feel myself starting to wake up so I rubbed my hands together and my body started feeling like it was tingling a lot. I can't remember anything after that, but I woke up pretty soon.