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    Strange Dream #3 - The Weirdest

    by nexus5141 on 11-11-2014 at 05:44 PM
    Alright, so the weirdest dream out of all of them happened last night. As I drifted off, I saw what I wanted to believe was Jeff the Killer (The Creepy pasta Story), and, at first, I thought I was in a sleep paralysis, but I could move! I think this might have been a False Awakening, as I woke up at the beginning of the dream. After I saw this, I got up and ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and my reflection said "Austin (My name)... You're dreaming!" Then I ran outta the bathroom and reality checked (Counted my fingers) and I saw that I had 6 fingers! After that, everything went black and I woke up. This was EXTREMELY weird. I'm kinda new to this, so if anyone has an explanation on why I had a false awakening at the BEGINNING of a dream, please post in the comments. It looked like a very real projection of my house! I even woke up in the dream at the exact same spot that I fell asleep at!

    Strange Dream #2

    by nexus5141 on 10-11-2014 at 08:00 PM
    Once again, I had a couple dreams. However, for the second one, this time I know that I was lucid. I will post these 2 dreams here.

    1. I don't really remember much about this one. All I remember was that video game characters were involved. But still, might as well put this down.

    2. After the last dream, again, youtube came up. And again, there were screamers involved. Not just one this time, but there were multiple involved. After the video was over, the replay button was clicked and I was like "NO! NO! NO! I'M DREAMING!" Then I saw a hallway type thing. It was very weird. The first thing I did was rub my hands together. However, I couldn't maintain lucidity, and I woke up.
    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Strange Dream

    by nexus5141 on 09-17-2014 at 06:57 PM
    Alright, so, this morning, I had a couple dreams. I will list the 2 dreams that I remember. I don't remember much of the first one.

    1. After I fell asleep, I remember dreaming about looking up and watching youtube videos. However, after I clicked one, I noticed that the video was like 20 seconds long. And it turned out to be a screamer (A sudden picture thats usually horrifying, with a scream sound). I tried clicking off the page because I knew it would be one somehow. However, it did NOT scare me at all, so I was still asleep. Usually if I am scared in a dream, I wake up immediately. However, this was not the case.

    2. A few minutes later, I thought "I'm dreaming!" This is when I believe I had a semi lucid dream. It was semi lucid because I still couldn't see everything very clearly. I just got an overhead view of what looked like an RPG game. My character was walking in the forest. However, I was losing lucidity. It was getting darker and darker. I kept thinking "Rub your hands! Rub your hands! Keep lucidity!" And it apparantly worked. After a little while, I was brought into the first person perspective of the forest. This was my first lucid dream. The first thing I did was do a reality check by trying to Push 2 fingers through the palm of my other hand. However, that didnt work, and I forgot about my reality check that I did more often: Counting my fingers. I did not do this, and this was a mistake. I accidentally thought of Jeff the Killer (The Creepypasta), and my character began taking damage. However, nobody was there. I was wondering what was going on. A few minutes later, I woke up.
    nightmare , lucid , non-lucid