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    About Oerath
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    I have always loved to dream, and my dreams have always been very vivid. I started trying to lucid dream several years ago, then got out of practice as life overwhelmed me. Trying to back into it now after having my first lucid in over a year just two nights ago. I'm a writer, and hoping to use lucid dreaming to meet my characters and see my scenes better, but so far I tend to forget that goal and get distracted by flying or changing random things.
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    SLC, UT
    Reading, Writing, RPGs and RTSs, Hiking, Skiing, Camping, and of course: Dreaming
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    View Oerath's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Disbelieving DC

    by Oerath on 03-26-2011 at 11:42 PM
    This is from a couple days ago. It's a little fuzzy since I didn't have my DJ handy and couldn't write it down immediately.

    Dream Lucid Notes/Observations

    I'm trying to sneak into a mansion high up in the mountains somewhere. I've left my car down at the base of the canyons, and have a long ways to walk to get back. I have to be done and back to the car before sunrise. The mansion is surrounded by a huge fence, and the only way in is through a guardhouse with 3 doors.

    I sneak around the outside of the guard house and choose a door at random. As i come in i see that there is a counter in the middle of the room, behind which a guard is lounging, facing slightly away from me. I'm low enough down that the counter hides me as a sneak around to get behind him, and shoot him with my tranquilizer pistol.

    I stand up and look around the guard house, but it's pretty empty so I walk out the door that leads to the mansion grounds. I spend some time looking around but can't find a way in, and after a while I decide I need to get back to my car, so I head back to the guard house.

    As I'm approaching the guard house a bunch of giant orange/brown scorpions come out of the ground (Bark Scorpions from Fallout New Vegas, which is odd because I haven't played the game s in weeks). I run in into the guard house, and climb up onto the counter. I'm shooting at the scorpions with my tranqs, but the darts can't pierce their armor. Then big white rats start coming out of the ground as well, and I can't hit them either. I'm surrounded and pretty sure I'm going to die (but I'm not particularly scared for some reason).

    The Dream shifts, (I'm not sure if I just forgot the transition, or if it was an actual shift) and suddenly I'm riding a horse through the desert. I know I have to reach the prince and tell him that the enemy has taken the blade (the large desert part of our country) but that we still hold the hilt (the small fertile portion around the capitol).

    I ride through the desert for awhile, maybe 15 minutes, admiring the harsh landscape and colorful hotsprings. At last I come to the building I'm looking for, where the prince should be. It's a large white building, that looks something like a traditional mosque. I dismount and walk in through the large double doors at the front. Inside is a young woman I know to be the Sheik's wife, and their daughter who is maybe around 6 or 7.

    The Sheik's wife will not speak to me, so I ask the little girl where her brother is because I have important information for him. She refuses to tell me where he is. And somehow I know that I'm dreaming. I look around the room and sort of stabilize, taking in the pattern of the blue tiles on the walls, and the flowers on the tables standing in niches around the room. The little girl is still glaring at me, so I motion her over and ask if she wants to know a secret. I tell her that she is in my dream (for some reason it was very difficult for me to say this, I'm not sure if it was because I didn't quite believe it, or what). She doesn't believe me and tells me so quite bluntly. So I decide to prove it to her. I make myself levitate a few feet off the floor and say "See?" But she turns away and and goes to stand by her mother, who refuses to look at me. This seems to shake my lucidity a bit as I cannot maintain my levitation and spend a few more minutes admiring the beautiful mosaic on the wall before I wake up.

    I swear it was Self Defense! 03/01/2011

    by Oerath on 03-01-2011 at 05:19 PM
    I had this one early this morning, and though it wasn't exactly "scary," it was definitely traumatic.

    Dream Notes/Observations

    Some friends and I have been invited to a party, in Alaska. We're being rushed to catch the plane (and drink with the pilot on the way), but we have to run some errands first. As we're driving around to do this, I'm trying to convince my buddy not to let me drink too much because my ex will be at the party.

    At some point during this I insulted a group of crazy gangbangers, who looked like Rastafarian MS-13. The swore they were going to make me pay, but we sped away in the car.

    We get back to my house and my friends drop me off so I can get dressed for the party. I go downstairs and let my ferrets out to play while I get ready (I do have ferrets IRL, and though these looked a little different I knew it was them). While my ferrets are playing two new ferrets appear from nowhere and start playing with them.

    After I'm dressed I hear someone break-in upstairs, and somehow I know that it's the gangbangers, and that what their going to do is beat me, make me watch them eat the ferrets, and then kill me. So I try to gather up the ferrets and hide them in the closet, but the ones I don't know run away and I can't catch them.

    I just manage to get my ferrets hidden when I hear them coming down the stairs and scramble to grab my sword (an ugly, poorly made black steel blade, not nearly as nice as my sword IRL). I've just managed to grab it and run out into the hallway when they get to the bottom of the stairs. There are 6 of them, and they are wielding hockey sticks and metal bars. I manage to bottleneck them in the hall so they can only attack me one at a time. They hit me a few times, but nothing serious, though there are a few close calls, and after 5 minutes of furious combat all 6 are dead.

    I start freaking out about having killed 6 guys, and go up stairs and start pacing. At this point my friends return to pick me up, but I won't leave the house. I try to play it cool, but inside I'm losing it, considering chopping the bodies up to hide them in the yard. After a minute I break down and tell my friends what happened, but instead of freaking out they just think it's cool that I managed to kill 6 dudes by myself.

    After a few minutes I decide to call 911 and report it, since it was self defense. The police don't come, but send an investigator: an older woman who kind of reminds me of my 5th Grade teacher. So I take her downstairs to show her the scene, but when we get down there all the bodies have turned into giant badger/dog things. 2 of them are dead, but the other 4 are just severely crippled. One of them has found the two stranger ferrets, killed 1, and is trying to kill the other. I start kicking it to try to protect the ferret, and the investigator gets mad at me, saying something like "This may have started as self defense, but if you keep that up you'll be charged with assault, the law doesn't protect your pets" (though apparently it did protect giant badger-dogs that used to be people). This makes me really angry, and I wake up.
    nightmare , non-lucid

    Alien Assault

    by Oerath on 02-28-2011 at 07:44 AM
    This is copied from my old dream journal, it's one of the only ones in there worth putting up. It's also the longest non-lucid I've ever recorded.

    Dream Lucid Notes/Observations

    I'm in military training, and not doing well, when an alarm sounds. aliens attack the planet we're on. (These are basically xenomorph aliens, like the movies, but with some minor differences in appearance and behavior) Me, my best friend James, and a few others are left behind while the military goes across the ocean to fight. They never come back.

    After a while the aliens attack the complex (a huge industrial/military/business complex of glass and steel that goes right out into the ocean) en mass and we hold them off at the stairs with 2 laser rifles and some regular guns. They back us into a corner before going into some sort of healing stasis.

    James feeds our pet shark before going out for a swim with it to look for help.Meanwhile I go up to the 3rd floor and salvage some laser pistols, grenades, flash-bangs, and energy cells. On the way back I meet some people and invite them to join us.

    While they're settling in I take a second shark and go out to look for James. While swimming I spot a Mossy Shark (a giant vegetarian shark named for the long trail of algae/moss that grow from its head) I try to tame it, but only get to pet it. I can't find james, but when I get back he's returned.

    There is now an alien spider (maybe a large facehugger, I'm not sure) egg that one of the new guys messes with and wakes up the aliens. A few people die, and I get acid burns, but we cripple the queen, putting them back into stasis. Unable to defend our position any longer, we leave.

    As we're going we meet more people, all gathering in a theater to watch the new Batman movie. I tell everyone it's a bad idea and try to get them to come upstairs and bunker down.James and a few others agree, but the guys carrying my laser rifle convinces half to go watch the movie. one of the women in the group gives me the box of supplies and apologizes. I try to get my rifle back, but the guy won't give it to me. So I leave, yelling "I saved your life!" at him.

    On my way upstairs to find James and the others I continue to salvage, finding a bag of peanut butter and apple sauce in a stairwell. As I'm leaving some guy in a trench coat calls my name and tries to stop me.I go to kick him off the stariwell, and as he's falling I wake up.

    I drew some pictures to illustrate, if I can get my scanner working I'll upload them...
    non-lucid , memorable

    First LD in 1 year

    by Oerath on 02-28-2011 at 05:44 AM
    So this is the dream that got me back into LD and led me to DreamViews. ]

    Dream Lucid Random Notes/Observations

    Me and my fiance (Jess) are at some sort of Halloween themed club or party, everybody but us is wearing crazy clothes and spooky masks. The place is huge (this is a sort of dream sign for me, building that are way too large or have physically impossible internal dimensions) and falling apart, and is lit only by candles and gas lanterns. In order to be accepted at the party they ask us to go find a Jack-o-lantern doll that is hidden somewhere in the building.

    So we take off looking for the doll, searching everywhere for what seems like hours. After a while my feet start to hurt, and I look down and notice that my pants are in shreds, and I'm only wearing one shoe.
    Some how this makes me realize that I'm dreaming. So the first thing I do is change what I'm wearing, giving myself flowing black silk clothes and some badass metal boots. But I don't seem to be fully lucid because I decide to go along with the dream plot, though I cheat and make it so that the next place we look we find the doll. After returning it to the leaders of the masked people I decide to go have more fun. I find an empty hallway and repair it, making everything shiny and new, mostly white marble. And then I decide I want to walk on the ceiling, (this has always been a goal of mine, though I still haven't managed) but instead of trying to walk up a wall or something I float myself upside down and try to put my feet on the ceiling. This proves to be too hard and I give up and lose lucidity. I go back to the party until I wake up, but I don't remember any more of the dream.