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    About peacock486
    LD Count:
    Never counted
    Is there that much to say?
    I've had loads of dreams, and just being able to remember them in more detail is so good. Dream control is a pretty good bonus as well.
    Note: My really old posts on here can be quite cringe-worthy as I've matured a lot since last being on here.
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    In a building in the snow
    LDs, gaming, radio, old computers, birds
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    Did WBTB, two dreams, one lucid, loads of false awakenings

    by peacock486 on 11-19-2014 at 02:26 AM
    non-dream dream lucid

    I slept a LOT today. I could literally explain my entire day in detail here.

    I entered the day in what seemed to be a black void. Well not really. I'd fallen asleep at my computer and when I woke up everything was black. When I uncovered myself everything was still black. Silent as well. The power was out and all the lights were off.

    I went to the living room up stairs and started listening to my radio. An hour later I did the unthinkable and went back down into the black void known as the basement cause my antenna is down there! I spent half an hour down there before coming back up and laying down, still listening to the radio.

    Ended up experimenting, practicing SSILD cycles with the radio on Didn't work out so well. Actually managed to get numb in some spots but it just didn't happen other wise.

    Ended up listening to the radio all the way until 7 or so, when the power came back on.

    Turned on my laptop and came here to just see what was up. Then came to the question of whether to WBTB or not. I ultimately decided to, so I started my clock and went to bed.

    Ended up waking up an hour before the alarm, so I thought "good enough" and went back to sleep, practicing SSILD cycles as I drifted off.

    And here's where the fun begins.

    The PILD
    Lucid: yes
    TGMG: potentially, but ultimately no.

    I am in my living room, playing an NES game. It looks like Mario but the levels are nothing like I've ever seen before. I have a few false awakenings before I realize something is up. So of course I get up and my room is more or less the same as IWL. I then walk out the door and into the back yard. And this is where things get different.

    I look at the area where the shed was and it's a rather large ruin of a shed that was painted white. I look around and there's a bunch of wood everywhere. I look down and there's a piece of wood in the ground that sounds like there could be something under it. I start to pull it up and I see a bunch of duffel bags in the hole. I climb in and I pull the duffel bags out of the hole, but the wood falls on the hole and there's a bunch of spiders on the wood.

    I just look out of the hole, occasionally grabbing the dirt in the opening before I stop caring and just push the wood away. I carry the duffel bags inside and I open them up to find a bunch of old clothes. They're all completely dry and they even smell decent. Among the clothes I also find a bunch of old school stuff - binders and whatnot. I open those up to find orange text from when I was a log younger.

    I put it away and I then find a bunch of gameboy games and SD cards. I look at the gameboy games. Lots of black cartridges that I have no clue what games are on them.

    The SD cards are also black. I grab them all and start stacking them. "Damn that's a lot of SD cards! Look how tall this stack is!" I don't remember how tall the stack was.

    I have another false awakening.

    I'm back playing the Mario game again! I'm in a very dark level. Well the background is completely black. There's brown Mario styled bricks on the ground and ceiling. I'm also listening to the sound. Sounds like a Mario game except its in stereo oddly enough.

    I continue running down this corridor until eventually the game starts acting weird. The audio goes mono and becomes a bit watery sounding. The graphics also change as the bricks become round stones and Mario becomes Fire peach.

    Ah ha!
    This must be a dream! I immediately become lucid, and realize that I'm playing this on my laptop. I get off and get up. I take care not to destabilize the dream. I look around, looking at how real everything looks.

    The house is more or less the same as in real life except some of the lighting is different. This is more apparent in the kitchen.

    Timmy comes towards me as I'm looking around and asks me whats up. I tell him "I'm dreaming!" and open the front door. I then open the real front door with telekinesis apparently (It was just open).

    Timmy asks me what I'm gonna do, and I tell him I'm going out side. I look out the door, stabilizing the dream. I then walk outside. I start to think "Well I'm dreaming! So what goals do you want to try and do?". I try and remember my lucid list but the only goal I can remember is the one where I shrink myself.

    By this time I'm on the outside porch, (more or less identical to IWL) and I look around. Everything is quite icy, but I don't feel cold. I raise my hands in the air and look up. I then shrink to about a quarter my size.
    Well that's one goal done. No bonus points cause all you did was run to the corner store

    I run off the porch and into the road. The road is quite icy. My brother starts following me as I get to the corner. I look down ecorse rd and I see it's a lot darker than IWL. More houses, and it seems to end in a straight turn to the right. The store down the svc drive looks more or less the same as it does IWL. I continue to walk down, looking down every street that I can.

    I eventually get to where the chicken place is, and I walk inside. This place is pretty much the same as IWL as well. I look around and there's a bunch of food on the back counter. I want to eat some but I think "What if I'm not dreaming?" so I run out.

    All of a sudden I walk up in my bed. I had a false awakening. I get up and everything is blueish. It almost feels as if someone else is in the room but I don't know it. I get up and float across the living room. I say "Jesus christ!", and then I plug my nose. Only to find out I can still breath when it's plugged. "okay this is a dream you don't need to be saying that".

    This next part is a bit of a blur. I definitely lost lucidity.

    I walk into this room that looks like something out of Half Life 2 and metal gear solid put together. There's a DC in there explaining the SD cards to me. He says that someone made the SD cards work like that intentionally to put you to sleep. They don't explain why though. I do learn how it works however. Each SD card has a few DOS games on it as well as a batch file to load them. If you load the games without any batch file, it puts you to sleep, but you don't realize you've gone to sleep. Some of the SD cards, particularly the one I was playing, with Mario, had the batch file tampered with so it acts as if it's not a batch file.

    I have this huge blue monitor to the left of me, and a tunnel that you could crawl through? in front.

    I am then playing this Sonic game where I'm being bounced all over the place with flippers in what seems to be a futuristic setting. Then I'm in a spindash tunnel. I get stuck in it, but I want to go another way so somehow I make my way back up, and I get myself into a launcher and try to get up the top tunnel. It takes a few tries. I don't remember what's on top.

    I wake up some time around here.
    I recall it's now around 11 or so.

    After this I'm incredibly tired, so I end up writing down a lot of things about the dream (go tired me ). I really hesitate though because of just how tired I am. I make lots of mistakes as well.

    Well eventually I end up going to sleep again where I had another dream.

    The windy forest
    Lucid: no
    TGMG: no

    It's during the day time and I'm on a long road in the middle of the forest. No clue where this is but I do know it is quite windy, but not cold.

    There's no cars on the road and I never see any. I look up and the sky is overcast but it is quite bright out. Eventually the wind is so strong that I get picked up off my feet, and into the woods. I see a bunch of trees where I'm going, with water on the bottom. Obviously a swamp.

    I get close enough to a rather large tree and I grab on. It's too large for me to wrap my arms around but I am capable of holding on. As I'm holding on I get my first glimpse of the area. It's a swamp, with lots of large trees like the one I'm on.

    I start climbing up the tree until I get to a large branch. I climb on and sit down. Now I look around fully and I see a swing-like thing made out of tree trunks. There's also a bear laying down on it!

    I watch it for a moment. The bear is swinging back and forth on the branch.

    I look up the tree and I see a yellow rope laying down. I look up to where it's coming from and I see an incomplete bridge. It's made of wood and there's a odd black thing coming off the incomplete end. I grab the rope and start climbing up it.

    As I'm climbing I realize that I don't need much grip to stay on. I could get away with just holding it in my fingers and it would be fine.

    I eventually climb to a branch really close to the bridge. I grab hold of the bridge and I see it swaying back and forth. I then see a DC on the bridge. A female park ranger? They take the rope and throw it to me from the bridge. I climb on and I then see a toolbox the DC has. They're here to fix a bit of the bridge.

    They ask for help, and I start helping them. So they go into their toolbox and start grabbing small screws. Really really small. They then start screwing them into random bits of wood.

    They ask me to do the same so I get a screw and put it into the side of one board on the wall. I can't get it in though! So I try and get it in again. This time it works.

    By now its night time, so the DC thanks me and leaves. I'm alone now so I just get up and walk the path beyond the bridge. I the
    n wake up.

    Once I wake up I'm still really tired.
    Over the course of writing this DJ, I fully awoke and now I feel fine.

    Spoiler for Temp stuff:

    Bad recall again

    by peacock486 on 11-18-2014 at 01:06 AM
    I know I had several dreams, but I can't recall anything.

    I'm hopeful though
    side notes

    Went to sleep around 1, woke up around 4 or so

    by peacock486 on 11-16-2014 at 11:17 AM
    non-dream dream lucid

    Would be the perfect WBTB actually.

    Nonetheless I do remember a dream, just not with too much detail.

    I am in a store, running around.
    A DC is with me as well, telling me what to do.
    I remember walking out of the store and it's during night, but the parking lot is well lit by the lights?

    Updated 11-16-2014 at 02:15 PM by peacock486

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    The WBTB into Sonic 06 followed by DEILD spammage

    by peacock486 on 11-16-2014 at 01:18 AM
    non-dream dream lucid

    Stayed up a long time again due to Desert Bus for Hope. (Damn they have a nice stream layout this year and I've seen some awesome stream layouts.)

    I started up my WBTB clock (goes off 4 hours after its started up regardless of when its started up) and went to sleep.

    Woke up once, 2 hours before the clock, and immediately went back to sleep, woke up again 4 mins before the alarm and closed it.

    I then practiced SSILD cycles, and went back to sleep.

    I recall jumping in between falling shipping containers. I then recall gliding down a curved rail that almost looks like a spring.
    I am then on a menu where OverTheGun is talking about saving the birds or something like that.
    I am looking through a container with a glass window.

    Eventually I'm in my back yard, the game having ended. It's very similar to IWL except the house is longer and there's more trees. Everything's also very blue strangely enough.

    I'm here with the DCs from the ending of the game, sitting in a ditch. There's a bunch of kittens here.
    I am talking to one DC, and then I start getting aware.
    I start looking around almost immediately.
    I then realize
    I'm dreaming, and I continue to look around for a bit, looking at how real everything looks. I feel the grass and I hear what it sounds like. I then say "I'm dreaming". I then realize that I'm probably about to wake up soon, so I tell the DCs that I'm about to wake up.

    Everything starts getting really blurry, and I get pulled out of the dream. I then
    feel myself in my bed.

    "Don't move! You can still continue! Just think about the dream lightly!"
    I lay there for a few seconds, before a DEILD begins.

    I'm in my basement after the DEILD, and I look around.
    My mom is there, and I yell "I'M DREAMING!" right out of the Stanley parable.

    My mom comes over and asks what's up, and i tell her "I'm dreaming right now". She starts hugging me and telling me "You're alright!". I feel the dream start to destabilize.

    I tell her "The dream is destabilizing!" and I start rubbing my hands together. I can feel my hands rubbing together bug it feels very blurry as well.

    It comes back but its slow. I then get up and look around, and everything looks crystal clear. The basement is much larger than IWL and there's more wood than normal. Most of my vision is taken up by mom though, oddly enough. I ask her "What is the best dream stabilization technique for me?". She doesn't talk, but instead she just grabs me by the nose and pulls me forward towards the steps.

    We start walking up the steps and I recall the other LD where I woke up walking up the steps. I start thinking "This is bad shit, don't go up there!" but by doing this the dream is destroyed and I
    wake up.

    I DEILD again.

    I open my eyes in my kitchen, on a bed. Already strange as obviously there isn't a bed hovering in my kitchen IWL, and even if there was, you wouldn't want to sleep there.

    I look around and everything is blurry but I notice that the walls of the kitchen are of the same siding that the living room is made out of. It's very dark brown. I get up and do a nose pinch RC, and I can breath through, noticing the same effect from the last LD. Interestingly I don't slip while doing it as well.

    I then walk into the living room. Most of the stuff from IWL is here except it has a Victorian style. I look around again and everything is blurry, but I notice that if I stair at the same scene for more than a few seconds, that it becomes crystal clear. Clearer than IWL.

    I walk into the hallway, and I look around again.
    It's almost identical to the hallway IWL. There's a vacuum cleaner in the corner, and the white shelf from IWL isn't there. I walk towards the bathroom door, but I don't open it.

    I notice a towel on the vacuum cleaner, and I look at it. I look at how real it is. I can look at every single thread on the towel with surprising accuracy.

    I start walking towards the end of the hallway where the steps are, and everything feels completely real. To the point where the omnipresent dream feeling goes away and I have to actually verbally remind myself that I'm dreaming.

    I then say "This is why you don't just become lucid from any random dream, THIS. Look how friggin real everything looks!". I look at the gate that blocks off the stairs (not that I was planning to go down them). I then turn around and walk back to the living room where everything fades and
    I wake up again.

    I start doing DEILD again but I can feel my breathing this time. I then think about it for a bit before deciding to just
    get up.

    I then start writing this down.

    Spoiler for Temp:

    Updated 11-16-2014 at 04:19 AM by peacock486

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    The Plane Crash

    by peacock486 on 11-14-2014 at 06:12 PM
    non-dream dream lucid

    Had that nap, practiced SSILD cycles, had a really vivid dream that could've turned into a LD if I'da noticed a few things.
    Went to bed around 8:30 or so, woke up around 11:45 or so?

    Dream fragments:
    Looking at Twitch, Twitch not working, Looking at Youtube, youtube kinda works and I learned of a gaming marathon. This was being advertised by some guy who had >1m subs on youtube. I think this is what I was doing on the airplane.

    The Plane Crash
    Recall rating: 9

    I'm in some huge airliner. I don't even know how I got here.
    I'm on my laptop though. Pretty soon after I need to go to the bathroom, so I start looking around.
    Eventually I find the area where they do laundry (I'm not sure they do laundry on planes, but they do here). There's some DC with me, and we start looking at these washing machines.

    I'm in a medium sized white room with pinkish coloring. There's two rather large white machines in front of me with green pipes heading into them. Looking at the pipes I notice a yellow ring around the green pipe. The green pipe is also really wrinkled, as if it's just a green cloth covering it.

    I look at it whirr for a few minutes before wondering how the machines are loaded. I then notice a passageway around the machines. I walk towards it, noticing that the passageway has quite a few steps in it. The floor at the bottom is a bit more dank than above. I then notice the fronts of the machines, which looked a gigantic front-load washer and dryer. I notice they both have windows.

    I look through the windows, and next thing I know I'm on a huge white disk with a gap near the edges. I look around and above are some twisting pipes.
    Next thing I know after that I'm looking at the machines again, and some of the backs are gone, revealing a huge window where you can see a huge tank of water with clothes in it. It's actually pretty blue water and you can see out the window the other side through it.

    The DC that was there told me that it could withstand the plane doing loops without any malfunctions.

    After that, I walk out, and I look around. It's like a mix between a house and an airplane. Drywall walls and ceiling bits, but it's obviously a plane! I want to get to the staff area cause I didn't know how I got here. So I find the stairs to the next floor, near a row of seats. The stairs have the same dry walls (with a window on the landing), and gray carpet floors.

    All of a sudden I hear a loud sequence of beeps from the PA system. It was 5 repeats of a 5 beep sequence. After that it said "Please return to your seats and fasten yourselves in. This thread has been hidden from view." in a deep woman's voice, almost robotic though.

    I immediately start running back towards the bathroom/laundry room. Once I get there I hesitate going in because the machines will be all over the place.

    So now I'm in the corner between the stairs and the laundry/bath entrance. That's when I hear a muffled explosion from somewhere in the plane, and feel a hard rumble. I bolt for the stairs, but the plane starts rotating slowly (almost ominously) and before long those stairs aren't stairs anymore.

    I grab hold of the railing of the stairs. I then look out a window while holding on (I guess I changed position?) and I can't see anything, just sky. Before long though I see an airfield start rotating into view. You can also see some woods surrounding it. We're really up high above the air strip so I don't know how they'd land it. At this point it's quite obvious that we're out of control, and if we're not lucky we're smashing into that airfield.

    We continue rotating, now starting to dive while rotating, and we can see the field in more detail. There's a black airstrip with gray markings. I have loads of anxiety from this, quite understandably. I was breathing quite heavily. Miraculously the pilot manages to stop the rotating and begins to level the plane out, but there's too much vertical velocity and we smash into the airfield.

    At this point, everything freezes, goes white, and then I
    wake up, thrusting my eyelids open with quite a bit of force.

    I notice I've not moved once, so I try to recall some details about the dream, and then I try to DEILD. Unfortunately it doesn't work as I'd opened my eyes already.

    I give up and start writing this.


    "beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, Please return to your seats and fasten yourselves in. This thread has been hidden from view."

    Updated 11-14-2014 at 06:28 PM by peacock486

    non-lucid , memorable