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    I Talk to my Deceased Grandmother

    by Peroe on 08-22-2018 at 06:18 PM
    For context, I lost my grandmother in June of last year. She died from complications from Alzheimer's, which she struggled with for the better part of a decade. So for most of my life, she didn't know my name. Most of the memories I had of her are filled with silence, and that's what my image of her has been up until now, until I spoke with her in last night's dream.

    In the dream, for whatever reason I'm at this guy's house having a metal part made for me. As he's grinding away on the band saw, a person enters the room. That person is my grandmother, who beckons me out of the room. I follow her to a love seat out in the hallway, where we sit down and talk. She is fully conscious. She tells me that she loves me and she missed me,and glad to see me now. She seemed so real and full of life, unlike how I remembered her. I ask her if she was aware every time I was visited her even though she couldn't communicate. She said yes, and also that she was disappointed that I didn't see her more often. This made me feel shameful. I told her that I know I should have, and apologized for it.

    We were silent for a minute or so, and then coincidentally I started talking about dreams. I asked her if she remembered any profound dreams from her life. She said yes, and began telling me about one of them. As she spoke, I slowly floated back up to my waking self, and woke up.

    So yeah. I know this is just a dream and that my grandma was probably just a dream character, but nevertheless the experience was just so profound. Above all I'm glad that I now have a way of remembering my grandmother as she was, before the Alzheimer's

    Tossing the Garbage, Running Around Naked, and Growing my Hair Out

    by Peroe on 08-19-2018 at 04:53 PM
    When this one begins my mom tells me to walk over to our Neighbor Ali's house and toss some of our garbage in his can. For whatever reason, we can't throw away our garbage at our own house, so we made this agreement with him. Anyways, I walk on over to Ali's house and enter through the side door without ringing the doorbell

    When I enter the house Ali and his family are all watching a movie in the living room, but I pass by them without acknowledging them, thinking that I can come and go whenever I want without question. However, just as I walk into the other room towards the trash can, Ali's Father says, "Josh [my name] is that you? Come in here", beckoning me to the family room. He and Ali's mother put the movie on pause and scold me for just walking in the house, saying that even though we have an agreement I still have to knock. They're pretty pissed off at me, almost disgusted, so I apologize many times, dump my trash on the way out and leave feeling like a fool. The feeling sucks, and I vow never to screw up like that again with them. But then I realize something; I have no clothes on.
    Sidenote: weird, this is my second "naked dream" in a row

    I have no idea why, but I figure that I must have taken them off inside without thinking. And since I didn't want to do anything else to disturb Ali's family, I decided to take off running down the street to my house. Above me was a dark night sky, so I doubt anyone saw me. It wouldn't have mattered though, because halfway down the street I ran into my brother. I explained my current situation and told him that I told him that there was no time to talk. He leaned in closer to get a good look at me before saying, "What? You're not naked." I looked down at myself, only to realize that he was right; all my clothes were still on.

    Since I was definitely full clothed, my Brother and I met up with some of the neighborhood fellas to play a game that involved jumping over rock walls. The game led us to a house on the street that the kids had no problem approaching, so I followed. In the driveway was a silver Les Paul style guitar, and since I'm a guitar player I picked the thing up and started strumming a few chords. But before long, the owner of the house, a ~30 year old woman with two kids, walked outside and yelled at me. She said that she didn't let white people touch her guitar and it was for mexicans only, and made me give it back to her. This seemed odd though, since this woman looked and sounded quite white and not hispanic at all to me. However, just before I could hand her the guitar, I dropped it, leaving a huge dent in the bottom of it. She didn't seem to notice though, so I quickly headed home and off to bed.

    In the morning I woke up thinking about how silly the whole "mexicans only guitar" thing was, and scoffed a few times before looking in the mirror. When I did look in the mirror, I saw that I had long hair down to my shpulders. Apparently it had grew 7 inched in one night. I looked at myself for a long while before deciding that I really liked how it looked, and went to show my mom and brother. They both seemed to like it as well. Then I remember thinking to myself, "Hold on, this is silly. I have short hair in real life and there's no way it grew this long by now. This must be a dream." From there, I set my mind on waking up. Everything went hazy, and exactly that happened; I woke up, ending the dream.

    This is the most important part of this post. Very often I have these moments of realization that should lead to a DILD, but I always end up thinking that I have to wake up, even though I could just stay lucid if I wanted to. If I can change this, I know I'll have many, many more LDs. So, next time I have a moment of realization like this, Instead of forcing myself to wake up I'm going to immerse myself in the dream world and carry on with the dream, the only difference being that I'll be at the reigns.
    side notes , non-lucid

    Tipharot is acting strange..

    by Peroe on 08-17-2018 at 05:34 PM
    The dream starts in an elementary school. Not any school I've ever been to, but its still very real. The school day is wrapping up with some sort of gardening class, so most of the students are outside. I'm older than all of them but still there, probably as a student- oh, and also without any pants, so I guess you could call this a naked dream. To compensate, I sit down in a green plastic lawn chair and pull my shirt over my knees.

    After overhearing a short conversation about the latest Nintendo DS, I head towards my car to look for some pants. However, sitting in the driver's seat is the lucid dreaming Youtuber Tipharot. I must know him in this dream reality, because I greet him like a friend, and then ask him to drop me off at the school's main entrance. However, he ignores my request and keeps driving. There are a few other driveways that lead to the school, but he passes them all without saying a word. At this point I remember that his first name is Matt, so I say "Matt, what are you doing? The school is over there." but no response comes.

    Before long we reach a dirt road, which leads to the bank of a shallow pond. Without hesitation, Tipharot drives the car into the ponds and all the way across it, nearly submerging the whole car underwater. At this point, I have an ominous feeling about the situation. As we pull onto land on the opposite side of the pond, I grab his shoulder and shake it, then call him crazy. Without making eye contact, he responds with something like "Yeah, maybe I am, but we're here now." This makes me even more nervous.

    Next, Tipharot drives the car around to where the dirt road becomes the edge of the pond. There are tall, jagged rocks there (and for some reason also a little corgi running around!) that for some reason I decided to climb, letting Tipharot out of my sight in the process. By now, I had it in my head that he wanted to kill me, but wasn't quite sure yet. After (for whatever reason) climbing on the rocks and almost falling a few times, I get down. I hear my name being called from the other side of the pond. Standing there, wearing a blue clown mask and brandishing two machetes was Tipharot.

    Then I woke up