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    About Prancingwolf

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    About Prancingwolf
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    My name is Ian. I am 20 years old and I live in Western, NY.

    I joined DV to learn how to Lucid Dream. I had several LD's as a young boy, but they ended with age. I'd like to experience that world again :)
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    Coin Collecting, Poker and Lucid Dreaming :p
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    View Prancingwolf's Dream Journal

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    First Lucid

    by Prancingwolf on 09-29-2011 at 06:15 PM
    On this date, September 29, 2011, I had a Lucid Dream!

    The dream began with I and my mother standing near the front door in our apartment. It was late at night and somebody had knocked at the door, (in real life my mother would NEVER open the door to a stranger past sundown), but in the dream she swung it open! I thought to myself, "That's weird, why is she opening the door?" Standing on the other side was a carbon copy of my mother! Only this one was angry and zombie-monster like. It ran toward me and to defend myself I grabbed it's neck and squeezed hard. It seemed to disappear, but it wasn't attacking me anymore. I looked at the door and there was another zombie mom coming in. I looked outside into the hallway and there were more zombie mothers. Another dozen, at least! Lumbering up the steps toward us. I said to myself in the dream, "Oh my god, this is a dream!". The moment I realized I was dreaming, I got a funny feeling like something was going to happen and I remembered what this site said. If I get too excited I'll loose the lucidity. So, I stopped took a second to relax and decided to explore this new environment!

    Since the front door was being invaded by zombie like carbon copies of my mother, I decided to go out the balcony and down our fire escape to get outside. I said again, "This is a dream" and my mother (the actual one!) replied with "Oh course it's a dream. Everything is a dream." Now, when I heard that I thought she meant everything in reality was a dream (later when I woke up I figured she meant everything I was seeing then was a dream). It gave me slight pause, but not enough to stop me from seeing and exploring some dream world. I walked out the glass door to our balcony and was ready to climb down the ladder to the ground, but before I did I lowered down a second ladder to prop against the fire escape ladder. I have no idea why I did this. (I remember thinking of DV again and remembering something I read the night before about jumping off of balconies to fly, but was afraid if I fell, I'd wake up) So, perhaps in my lucid mind, the ladder was safer and two was even better! I crawled down the ladders and got to the ground outside. Someone was walking down the sidewalk and it was Alton Brown from Food Network (I know WTF?!) He went and told the office I was using the fire escape so I decided to put the second ladder on the balcony. I was going to ride my bicycle around dream land (which in real life would have been locked to the base of the fire escape, but I decided to walk and take it slow) my bicycle wasn't there anyway. The dreamscape shifted and I was at my old apartment complex, but still outside. I looked up to the sky as I walked down the parking lot and saw this awesome sky of night, but not a normal night sky. It was black with shades of blue and gray. Like a painting. The trees almost fluorescent green. The contrast mystical. The breeze was picking up and I could FEEL the breeze. The scenery was clear and panoramic. I spread my arms out and said, "This is great, I'm in a dream!". I looked around and decided to see if I could fly. I was a little apprehensive because I didn't want to blow it. I started moving my arms around and lifted my feet off the ground. I was floating! I got about as high as the roof line of a near by pick-up truck. The feeling inside is not explainable. I came back down gracefully. I was looking around for something to do or someone to talk to (I had at least two separate thoughts to find a women to have sex with, but I was more interested in exploring the scene) but there were no people around. The scene transitioned again and I was back in our apartment, back where I started. Consciousness and clarity seemingly gone. I was standing in front of the glass door, looking out on the balcony at a bowl of apples blowing around, thinking they were to heavy to move like that from the wind. My mother was sitting nearby and I was talking to her. I believe I had just turned on the computer to get on DV and was waiting for the computer to gear-up.

    My eyes popped open and I was awake. I laid there for a moment to gather my thoughts and didn't move. I didn't notice I was coming out of SP. I counted my fingers and tried to push my finger through my palm and concluded I was actually awake. At no time during the dream did I perform a RC. I rolled over to get my journal and looked at the clock. It was about 4:45am. I had gone to bed a little before 11:00pm. I wrote down my dream and remembered the one I had before the LD. My LD seemed to last much longer than a regular dream.

    I didn't fall asleep until about 7:00am. I kept tossing and turning and at least twice I felt like I was entering another dream which was waking me up. The time that passed felt more like 30 minutes than two hours. It seemed to slow. I had two more dreams before getting up at 8:00am.

    It was a very active night. All inside my head
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable