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    Realistic (to me) zombie apocalypse.

    by TeyrDream on 12-07-2013 at 03:06 PM
    Well, the first thing I remember was what I thought was my uncle. (he was my dads friend (My dad is now dead, so I never see that person anymore.) and was a friend to the family.) He was very tall(too tall) and looked extremely like him. We decided to show him around... or town or bunker. We had lived underground, but there were buildings and such. While my brothers, sister (perhaps my mom) were showing him around, I was going to a living room, watching TV. Closing and locking the slide doors on both sides. We had pinball games and more. I felt so relieved, safe and relaxed. But then, somehow things went bad. I believe my "uncle" was actually a zombie. (Aha, I view zombies different.) I think we killed him or sorts. Suddenly, zombies came from everywhere. Now, I was in the middle of the "small town" (which had 4-5 brown buildings.) and we were getting packed and some already in the car to get out. I was getting a couple things packed. Included, my inventory I sell IRL and a cup of ice from a local gasstation IRL. (How did I not become lucid or RC... >.<) Well my sister was getting some more stuff, she waited too long and got bitten. We could see her start lighting a cigar while transforming. (From Walking Dead or something I believe.) While my mom was screaming and crying, my brothers in the front pushed the pedal. We raced, zombies everywhere. Suddenly, I saw other cars. We were saved! Nope. My brother screamed "Now they're getting smart!" Because, somehow, I don't know how, or why, they were zombies. Tons of cars of them trying to be humans. My brother, somehow an amazing racer, raced past them, and we made it out to the light and they were losing where we were. We got to a cliff and a sunset, and my brother said "It must be time for the next game. I remember this." Then he sped, we flew out of the car, as if it was an epilogue or something before a new videogame release. I just remember my brother, I, and a girl flying out. But my mom doesn't come into play with the rest of the story, so we'll just say My brothers and I. (Two brothers.).
    So, after the video game credits (not really.) we landing infront of a building. (This is where it becomes foggy.) People started to come, and before we knew it we had to go for a hunt of food with them. We went to a nightmare hell instead that looked like a grocery store. At first I remember, my brother going on a secret side door because he thought they were doing evil things! Nope, they werent. Then, we were collecting food, I remember I got a lot of grains and oats for survivial and then we had to continue on. Then, it was hell. There were tags that if we read it would happen. I read "your worst nightmare will come." and spiders, evil clowns (miniature, size of like toys) Came at me from everywhere. (Our team was split up be now.) so I imagined they couldn't walk, and it happened. (Nope, wasn'[t lucid. FFS.) I found that tag from going up the stairs so I decided not to be an idiot and continue up. I went back to some of the team and the leader, we had a mini attack I believe, and I asked the leader where my brothers were. He answered with this... "(my brother's gamertag for xbox) got eaten by the cookie monster, and (my other brother' gamertag)" ... to be honest, I forgot :/. I think it said he logged off or died. Ahaha. Well that's it. I logged off the game, and woke up.
    memorable , non-lucid , nightmare