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    1 Horsepower

    by Vilex on 03-09-2023 at 05:59 AM
    I was in the back of a wagon. For some reason I was thinking about 9/11, and all the people who got engulfed in a cloud of toxic dust, and felt a wave of sadness over it.

    I saw a bunch of teens training to be in the army. Two young guys in the wagon saluted. I first I thought this odd, until I realized they were in the army too, just messing with their buddies. Two of the soldiers smiled and saluted back.

    We were going up a dirt hill. I felt we were going too fast to be led by a horse, and that it was strange that it didn't slow down on hills. Another man came riding on a horse near the wagon. I recalled seeing him the previous day. He asked if he could ride with us, he said his ribs hurt from riding all day. I reached out and let him on (no clue what happened to the horse).

    I saw a bunny rabbit with its head in a red party cup. There were multiple cups tied together and the bunny was all tangled up and running about. I wanted to help it, but shortly it figured it all out, and ate a cookie from a bag that was now tied to the cups. I chuckled thinking about how many calories one cookie is to a bunny.

    I drank from a shallow bag of water. My dad said we were stopping for more. I looked up and saw we had pulled up to a wide lake.

    The Biggest Taboo

    by Vilex on 03-09-2023 at 05:34 AM
    This guy's singing, "You can't stop the beat!" What's that from? Uh Grease right??? Whatever.
    Damn, I tell my friend, he's even better than you!

    Now there's this woman, a woman from a video game. Here she is finding herself "IRL". She has no idea what the real world is like. She tries to flush herself down the toilet. How silly. She takes a shit. She eats the shit.

    Everyone around me gasps in shock.

    "Is that taboo?" asks the woman.

    "The biggest taboo," answers another.

    "Do they not have poo in your game?" I ask.

    Now the woman is Velma from Scooby Doo.

    And now I am lucid, because even for me this is too fucking stupid.

    I wander about, semi-lucid. I'm disappointed I got lucid, sucked all the fun out of this dream. I believe here I meet a man. I mentally flag him as a bad entity. He gives me lucid dreaming advice but I ignore it.

    Now I'm back in a room, chatting with a young woman. She is very excited, since "all of us dreamt the same thing." And she recounts how her dream started with someone singing, and I'm kind of excited too now because, yes, indeed, that's how my dream started. But then the dreams start to diverge.

    I'm semi-lucid now. The dream is vague again. I'm in Italy, somewhere that looks like Venice. I decide to go along with it.

    I get on a motorized gondola. Our captain says he is going to break the speed record set by Napoleon prior to his death; 200mph! We speed through the canals, but it's nowhere near 200. We go through a little tunnel underwater. Wheee!
    lucid , non-lucid

    Duck, Duck, Bear

    by Vilex on 03-09-2023 at 05:17 AM
    I was standing by a pond, when I noticed a sickly looking duck under the surface. Its eyes were half closed, and it looked nearly dead. I contemplating saving it, but I felt it was beyond hope.

    I recalled reading somewhere that the end stage of drowning can be almost calm. Was would be the point of saving the poor thing? It would only suffer another minute before dying anyway.

    Suddenly the duck seemed to come to life again, and it kicked away a stone then swam to the surface. It had only gotten one of its feet stuck under a rock! I felt bad for standing by idly.

    I looked back at the duck, and it was now a cute little mammalian creature, with fur and a tiny blowhole. It seemed happy. I was glad it had no resentment toward me. Some water had flooded over a nearby sidewalk, and I followed as it swam up. I remembered what this creature was now, this was a bear cub. All bear cubs are aquatic in their youth.

    But... if this was a bear. Oh god. I turned around, and found myself staring straight at Momma Bear. She was not pleased. Yep this was it, time to die.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Mouth Wide Shut

    by Vilex on 03-04-2023 at 02:36 AM
    I was laying down on a scrappy mat in a hospital. What was going on? I felt weak and incoherent.

    I overheard one of the nurses saying that my kidneys were failing. Strangely this was a little comforting because at least my sudden arrival to this scene made some sense. I must had passed out and been brought to the ER.

    I asked the nurse what was happening, and she told me that I had stopped taking my "beauty pills" and that these were the results. Beauty pills, once you're on 'em, you can never go back.

    Now I couldn't fathom why I'd decide to take beauty pills, but I just accepted this as truth and figured they'd just give me these pills again and I could go home. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Time skipped ahead and I was looking at myself in the mirror. The left side of my nose was extremely swollen, and it seemed to be getting worse by the second.

    I went outside to go find help, but shortly my tongue started to swell too. My mouth was forced open by the swelling. I tried to talk to someone to get help, but all that came out was an unintelligible "mmmmffffbbllooooggggdd".

    People looked at me like I was nuts. Oh well, some days just suck.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Hoppy II

    by Vilex on 03-02-2023 at 06:19 AM
    It's a beautiful day.

    Clear blue skies, and a space shuttle landing on the moon.

    Hah, the moon! Look around, this is clearly Earth! The moon! You expect me to believe we're on the moon?

    I'm at the airport now. How did I walk all the way here? A woman parks her car in the most obnoxious spot possible. I realize I forgot my luggage and start running back for it; plane takes off in 30 minutes.

    I'm eating cakes. They are OK. A little too sweet, and the interior is hollow. I walk off and sit on one of those children's rides at the park you can rock back and forth with the spring at the bottom. Snoop Dogg is there. I ask him what his name means. He tells me it's just fun to say.

    I'm outside, and everybody is happy that they just won their freedom. A strangely Disney-like experience for a country supposedly recovering from a civil war. A woman outside has a jetpack, and she keeps flying into the wires. We're all worried she will get electrocuted.

    I walk and meet a supposed friend of my parents. I know I will be spending a lot of time with him.

    His dad shows off some strange demonstration where blocks fall from the ceiling and arrange themselves into a TV. I am convinced this is utter genius, and part of a family of games called Hoppy II.

    My new friend plays Hoppy II to open a little puzzle box. I appear semi-lucid at this point, as I'm convinced I need to remember this. Hoppy II is brilliant. Hoppy II is the best idea I've ever heard of.

    We play Hoppy II together now. There is a board. We put a fork into the board. The fork is a thing that happened. Hoppy II is about filling the board with "things that happened." I'm awe-struck.

    I'm back in the post-revolution place. They've really built it up since the last year I was here. I start looking around at the cacti near me, and the traffic, and the hint of fog. The air smells fresh and clean.

    It's a beautiful day.