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    I've always had very vivid dreams growing up, I've had countless lucid ones by accident but never knew what they were, just thought they were really cool. I've been trying to control them recently and I've had very pleasing results. I'm very excited about honing my skills and making my dreams into my own little sanctuary.
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    3rd lucid dream since actually trying! Yay! 3/2/15

    by XxFlybyNightxX on 03-03-2015 at 03:59 AM
    Became lucid last night. It was night time and I was in my yard, the only light was coming from a pair of headlights from a jeep. I could tell it was a jeep from its Grill. I don't know why I didn't think to change the lighting, but whatever, I was just happy to be lucid again lol. I tried to make my black lab bigger so I could ride on his back. Didn't work, but I was able to make myself smaller to accommodate the situation. I wonder why I was able to change my size, but not the dogs. I was able to summon people though. Tried to feed one of my enemies to him but he's just too good natured of a dog to hurt anyone. Dang it lol. My ex appeared, he pulled into my driveway and scooped me up just like he use to. Ah! It was pretty great lol it was short but great
    I had a hard time staying lucid, I need to work on that. I'm really wanting to try WILDing but I'm scared to death of the sleep paralysis. I need to quit being such a chicken lol
    lucid , memorable

    Zombie Pirates, A man named Patricia, and a Test. 2-28-15

    by XxFlybyNightxX on 02-28-2015 at 09:16 PM
    Last night was incredibly bizarre. Kind of cool, but kind of weird.
    I remember being in my grandmothers house in her back bedroom. She had a full length body mirror. I looked in it and my face was decaying. My skin was greenish, my nose was gone, I just looked like a total mess. Then I remember hearing a voice coming from the front room. You're going to laugh, captain Barbosa from pirates of the Caribbean. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I was scared to death he was going to kill me, so I climbed out the bedroom window and ran to my house. For some odd reason I ended up back in my grandmothers back bedroom with a huge suitcase. I got this hair brained idea to dress as a pirate, so I did. I was all decked out in pirate attire, all except for the hat. Right before I could find my hat, Barbosa burst through the door and told me to take him to my treasure lolol. Next thing I know I'm in a cave somewhere lying about this treasure I knew nothing about. I woke up laughing at the ridiculousness of my dream, only to lay back down and have an even goofier one. In my second dream, I was standing in line with my father at the DMV, I all of a sudden hear this man whimpering behind us but I didn't turn around. Then all of a sudden my dad raised his hand and said "Mrs. Thompson, Patricia needs to go to the bathroom" I turned around and the whimpering man started to waddle to the bathroom with a huge shit stain on his pants...I guess he was Patricia...then I was in this huge room where they make you take your written drivers test. There was this young couple there who bragged about failing their test 20 times. I woke up shortly after. I almost didn't want to record these dreams because they're so ridiculous, but a dream is a dream lol.

    Updated 02-28-2015 at 09:22 PM by XxFlybyNightxX

    non-lucid , memorable

    Sapphire wine Glass: Snippets of a Lucid dream 2-25-15

    by XxFlybyNightxX on 02-27-2015 at 12:45 AM
    Last night I remember dreaming. I just can't remember the dream itself. I remember realizing that I was dreaming and doing Rc's. every time I'd touch my fingers to my palms they'd fade/go through. I remember being excited that I had become lucid twice in a 24hr Period. I just wish I could remember the dream itself
    (Side note: I remember a sapphire blue wine glass. It fell off of a table and shattered into a few big pieces. I tried to make the shattered glass vanish. It would always reappear a few feet away, each time I made it vanish. This lucid dreaming, thing is harder than I thought )
    dream fragment , lucid

    First successful lucid dream while trying. 2-24-15

    by XxFlybyNightxX on 02-27-2015 at 12:12 AM
    I realized I was asleep, it feels like almost instantly. I remember thinking "ok, I'm asleep. I gotta keep knowing I'm asleep" then I remember floating from my bed, down the hall, & to my door. I knew exactly where I wanted to be. I wanted to fly to my ex boyfriends house. I couldn't grasp the door-knob to turn it, so I remembered trying the window. I thought "why isn't this working." I looked at my hands to keep myself aware that I was asleep. And then I thought to physically make the window longer and roll out. It worked and I was still aware I was asleep, but I noticed too that my body was kinda hard to control and that things would fade to black, I even tried looking at my hands when things were black but couldn't see anything. After that I remember being in another part of my town in the opposite direction of where I needed to go. I was a the local walmart in the parking lot. I tried to fly but couldn't at first. The only thing that seemed to help me was focusing on a small whisp of cloud in the sky and trying to visualize myself floating up to it. It worked but I still found it hard to control my dream body. I was kinda stiff. I guess after that I slipped out of the lucidity of it. I'm pretty bummed I didn't get to my destination but I'm excited that I was able to remember at least one tip and it seemed like I was able to quickly realize that I was asleep.

    Extra info: the colors weren't very vibrant. They were there just felt like a gray haze was over everything. Being outside it was gray and gloomy, like before a thunderstorm, but there wasn't big black clouds

    Non lucid dream that happened after lucid dream:
    I was at My ex's, sleeping in a separate bed. I kept waiting and waiting for him but he never came there were 3 rooms joined together, with no doors. I thought of a circle for some reason, like the design of the house was round. First It was my room. (It was His bedroom, but there was just a bed in it) the middle room had just a bed but it had a large woman in it I knew her in real life, her name is Tammy, she slept with his roommate once, their relationship never went beyond that. Then my ex was in the room next to hers. The bed was next to the wall, things seemed kinda pink/purplish and his back was turned to me. He woke up and seemed distant toward me. The next thing I remember is her cooking in his kitchen and I freaked out and threw her down the stairs outside of the house. I remember crying to his friend Chelsea, saying "This was my second chance, this was suppose to be my second chance" I felt like I was refurring to my last relationship before him and how this was suppose to be different. Then I woke up. I just remember feeling hurt and rejected by him, even without him speaking to me much during the dream.

    ( I notice that in a lot of my dreams I'm in a house/trailer, usually broken down and decaying. Not always the same one either. They're different each time. Other times in in my grandmothers house. Others in a school theatre)

    Updated 02-27-2015 at 12:22 AM by XxFlybyNightxX

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    Rundown houses, and a call I may never get 2-26-15

    by XxFlybyNightxX on 02-26-2015 at 09:32 PM
    I was in a broken down old house that was set on some support beams above water and mud. Maybe a river bank. I remember that my ex had called me. Specifically, he called me to apologize and he wanted me back. I remember wondering out of the door, over a wooden plank on to an open platform, I could see that I was very high, the sky was cloudy, like it was going to start raining. I jumped to another house straight across from the platform and it looked a lot like the other house only it was way more run down. The floor was weak and every time I took a step it creaked and bowed beneath my weight. I was still on the phone with my ex and I eventually stepped on a weak spot and fell through the floor. I remember a dusty Tv on a dusty dresser in the room where I fell. When I fell I landed in the mud, about chest deep, and not long after that, the dresser and tv fell but barley missed me. I must've went into a deeper sleep, because I can't remember much else.

    Updated 02-27-2015 at 12:20 AM by XxFlybyNightxX

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment